Page 54 - City of Kennedale Adopted Budget FY22
P. 54


               The mission of this department is to ensure the most effective use of human resources to increase overall
               value to the organization. The Human Resources Department is responsible for recruitment and retention
               of qualified employees and the ongoing training and development needed to promote individual success.

                H I G H L I G H T S   A N D   G O A L S   A C C O M P L I S H E D
                   ▪    Continuation of Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

                   ▪   Increased electronic onboarding capabilities
                   ▪   Continued evaluation of additional benefit options

                   ▪   Employee wellness program design
                   ▪   Reinstated Public-Safety compensation program
                   ▪   Analysis of civilian employee salary competitiveness

                S H O R T - T E R M   G O A L S
                   ▪   Provide additional training and development programs to staff:
                       Active Shooter, Customer Service, Leadership

                   ▪   Evaluate the need for short- and long-term disability benefits

                   ▪   Continue adding employee recognition events
                   ▪   Implement paperless Human Resources Department
                   ▪   Restructure and refine employee evaluation process

                   ▪   Continue funding for employee tuition reimbursement program

                L O N G - T E R M   G O A L S
                   ▪   Create an orientation video for all new hires that provides an overview of Kennedale
                       history, governance structure, and integrative work culture

                   ▪   Increased preparedness for COVID-19 with enhanced safety protocols
                   ▪   Evaluate need for a comprehensive wellness program

                S T A F F I N G   R E S O U R C E S
                   ▪   Human Resources Director – 1.0 FTE

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