Page 316 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 316



                  he Fleet Services Division is committed to maintaining, repairing, and replacing city

             T vehicles and equipment in a timely and cost-effective manner so as to prevent inter-

             ruptions in city services.  The Fleet Services Division follows a replacement schedule to

             determine vehicle depreciation and estimate service life. During the vehicle’s service life,

             all parts, fuel and repairs are tracked. Each year during the budget process, all vehicles are

             evaluated based on their age, mileage, and maintenance and repair costs. Following this

             evaluation process, the necessary vehicles are budgeted to be replaced in the upcoming

             fiscal year. After vehicles are approved for replacement, Fleet Services staff examine them

             to determine if any equipment can be reused, in an effort to lower costs.

              Prior Year Results                                      Future Initiatives

          h    The Equipment Repair Program ad-
                                                                   ’   Equipment Services will strive to low-
              dressed predictive, non-predictive

              and emergency equipment mainte-                         er controllable cost and improve user
              nance and repair.  During scheduled                     satisfaction.
                                                                   ’   The City is scheduled to replace two
              preventive maintenance, the piece of

              equipment is thoroughly inspected for                   Police units, a replacement truck for

              deficiencies.  Deficiencies are repaired                Fleet Services, replacement truck for

              immediately or scheduled for repair at                  Parks, replacement Street Sweeper
              a later date.                                           and one Water Utilities truck.

          h    Last year the City purchased a new

              ambulance for the Fire Department,
              two new Police units along with four

              new vehicles for Public Works, Utility

              Billing and Parks.

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