Page 319 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 319

         Loss Reserve fund

             The Loss Reserve Fund is an internal service fund used to record financial information for the City's self-
             insured  benefits  program.  The  largest  expenses  are  medical  and  dental  claims  for  full-time  City
             employees,  eligible  retirees,  and  their  dependents.  The  Loss  Reserve  Fund  receives  operating  fund
             revenues from City departments and retirees based on benefit elections.  In FY 2022, all of the medical
             and  prescription  claims  expenses  over  the  aggregate  attachment  point  or  liability  limit  of  $6,321,957
             million will be paid by the City's stop loss insurance carrier. This coverage is included in the fixed cost.
             Reserves have accumulated in the fund since the inception of the program due to claims history, and it is
             the City's goal to maintain that reserve.

               EST. FUND BALANCE OCTOBER 1, 2021                                                  $4,020,069


                       Group Insurance plus Long Term Care                        $     4,823,431
                       Interfund Transfer from General and Enterprise Funds                 500,000
                       Employee and Retiree Participation                                   998,526

               TOTAL REVENUES                                                                      $6,321,957

               TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE                                                              $10,342,026


                       Fixed Costs                                                $     1,341,661
                       Estimated Claims                                                  4,795,724
                       Humana Premiums                                                      169,794
                       GASB 45 Retiree Health                                                  45,000
                           Contract Program Manager - 680220         $   55,000
                           Wellness Program - 601345                      27,400
                           Health Fair / Incentives - 601350              15,000
                           Screenings and Flu Shots - 601355              25,000      $122,400
                       ACA - 680225                                                     $3,000
                       System Administration Fees                                      $84,600

               TOTAL EXPENDITURES                                                                  $6,562,179

               EST. FUND BALANCE AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2022                                          $3,779,847

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