Page 310 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 310



               he Information Technology Division is responsible for developing, implementing, pur-

          T chasing and maintaining information technology within the city. It is the objective of

          Information Technology to help each City division provide better services to internal and
          external customers through the use of existing and new technology. Information Technolo-

          gy assists all City divisions in identifying how through the use of new technology they can

          achieve those goals. Information Technology through a collaborative committee oversees the
          strategic planning process that is used for implementing new technology and replacing obso-

          lete equipment.  The purchasing function for equipment and software is centralized through

          the Information Technology Division as is the installation and maintenance of all computer

          equipment and software. The Information Technology Division is also responsible for the in-

          stallation and operation of the City’s telecommunication, building access and CCTV systems

              Prior Year Results                                      Future Initiatives

          h   Helped departments that required it to tran-         ’   Upgrade of City wireless infrastructure
              sition their work force to a work from home          ’   Upgrade of City security camera infrastructure
                                                                      Information Technology will work with the Police and
              model.                                                  Fire Departments to facilitate the upgrade/replace-
          h   Continue Implementation of Energov for                  ment of the CAD/RMS system
              Building Inspections and Planning.                   ’   Replacement of cabling in the Engineering/Building
                                                                      Inspections areas.
          h   Continue work on IT Infrastructure for new           ’   Upgrade of CityWorks
              Animal Shelter.                                      ’   Implementation of Cityworks for the Parks Depart-

          h   Completed overhaul of Access Security read-             ment
              ers for all facilities                               ’   Information Technology will continue the education
                                                                      of all employees on Cyber Security as required by
          h   Upgrade of RecTrac for Recreation Depart-               law.

              ment                                                 ’   Replacement of obsolete equipment per the City
                                                                      5-year replacement plan
          h   Purchased and Deployed Annual PC/Laptop              ’   Replace and Upgrade current Virtual Server Infra-
              and MDC replacements                                    structure
          h   Upgraded Council Chambers to facilitate re-          ’   Continue to work on providing the City with a redun-
              mote meeting access for Council and Public.             dant infrastructure

          h   Facilitated remote meetings for Planning and         ’   Protect the City Infrastructure from Cyber-Security
              Zoning and for Council.                              ’   Work with surrounding Cities in a collaborative

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