Page 198 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 198



        To help make Hurst a sustainable and safe place to live work and play, the Fire Department provides fire sup-
        pression, rescue, emergency medical services, hazardous materials containment, explosive response, fire code
        enforcement, and fire safety education. Activities include training, annual business inspections of commercial
        occupancies, multifamily dwelling smoke detector inspections, fire safety education in public schools, CPR in-
        struction, annual testing of the City fire hydrants, fire equipment readiness, fire code enforcement, new building
        plan review, and departmental budgeting.


                                                   BUDGET SUMMARY
                                             ACTUAL         ACTUAL        BUDGET       ESTIMATED       ADOPTED
         CATEGORY                            FY 2019        FY 2020       FY 2021        FY 2021        FY 2022

          PERSONNEL SERVICES                 6,201,938     5,679,940     6,165,509      6,250,171      6,321,294
          MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES              104,976        98,918        110,438         74,175        110,439
          MAINTENANCE                         30,503        35,604         39,465         29,362         39,465
          SUNDRY CHARGES                     177,670        270,370       274,020        219,360        280,628

          INTERNAL SERVICES                  581,992        583,271       583,639        583,652        583,639
          TOTAL                             $7,097,078    $6,668,103     $7,173,071     $7,156,719     $7,335,465

                                                 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE
                                                              ACTUAL        ACTUAL        ACTUAL       APPROVED
         POSITION TITLE                       PAY GRADE       FY 2019       FY 2020       FY 2021        FY 2022
          FIRE CHIEF                            Exempt           1             1             1              1

          ASST FIRE CHIEF                       Exempt           1             1             1              1
          FIRE BATTALION CHIEF                    84             4             4             3              3
          FIRE BATTALION CHIEF/MARSHALL           84             0             0             1              1

          FIRE LIEUTENANT                         83            10             0             0              0
          FIRE CAPTAIN                            83             0             9             9              9
          FIRE DRIVER/ENGINEER                    82             9             9             9              9
          FIRE INSPECTOR/CAPTAIN                  82             0             1             1              1

          FIREFIGHTER                             81            21            21             21            21
          SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE                   57             1             1             1              1
         TOTAL                                                  47            47             47            47

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