Page 199 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 199
Mission Statement
he Hurst Fire Department is committed to excellence in providing ag-
T gressive fire prevention, professional fire protection, technical rescue,
emergency medical service, hazardous materials response, and emergency
management by developing and implementing policies and practices to de-
liver excellent and responsive services to the Citizens of Hurst.
Prior Year Results Future Initiatives
h COVID-19 preparedness and response. Continually evaluate services to as-
h Operation of a multifaceted vaccina- sure they are responsive, innovative
tion site at the HCC and TCC, which and sustainable.
had a major impact on fire operations Continually evaluate firefighter safety
and administration staff. and health programs.
h All personnel were provided the ability Expand training opportunities that
to receive a body scan to screen for will help with personnel develop-
cancer, vital organ issues, and blockage ment.
which was fully funded by the Citizens
Fire Academy Alumni
h Placed a new fire engine in service.
h Partnered with surrounding cities to
establish a debris management plan.