Page 105 - Hurst Adopted FY22 Budget
P. 105

          information technology internal service fund

              The Information Technology Fund is an internal service fund that has been created to account for the financing on a
              cost reimbursement basis of services provided by this fund to other funds within the City and to accumulate resources
              for replacing fixed assets. In order to implement the fund, a formula for user charges was developed that includes the
              personnel and operating costs of Information Technology and the replacement cost of all computer related equipment.
              Contributions from selected funds for operating capital to finance the fund were determined based on the service level
              provided to each department and depreciation costs charged to each department to ensure replacement of equipment
              at the end of its useful life. A Strategic Information Resource Plan serves as a guideline for future purposes of the fund.
              The fund was established in 1993 and represents a significant effort to employ strategic planning principles to identify,
              specify and fund the future Citywide needs regarding computer technology.

                                                INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY
                                               REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES

                                                                                      ESTIMATED    PROPOSED
                                         ACTUAL      ACTUAL      ACTUAL     BUDGET      BUDGET      BUDGET
                                         2017-18     2018-19     2019-20    2020-21     2020-21     2021-22

               Internal Svcs.-Gen. Fund   $698,345    $698,345   $698,345    $698,345    $698,345    $730,500
               Internal Svcs.-Ent. Fund    302,361     302,361    302,361     302,361     302,361     311,500
               Fleet Services               28,917      28,917     28,917      28,917      28,917      28,917
               HC (Community Services)     393,995     393,995    393,995     393,995     393,995     413,500
               HC (Anti-Crime)             494,378     494,378    494,378     494,378     494,378     518,500
               Court Technology Fund        15,812      15,812     15,812      15,812      15,812      15,812
               Building Security Fund        1,256       1,256      1,256       1,256       1,256       1,256
               Juvenile Case Mananger Fund   3,839       3,839      3,839       3,839       3,839       3,839
               Storm Water Mgmt Fund        25,766      25,766     25,766      25,766      25,766      25,766
               HCC Fund                     20,000      20,000     20,000      20,000      20,000      20,000
               Interfund Project Trans In        0     470,344          0          0           0      200,000
               Interest/Other Earnings      37,527      82,059     53,479       8,000      17,000      15,000

               TOTAL REVENUES            $2,022,196  $2,537,072  $2,038,148  $1,992,669  $2,001,669  $2,284,590


               Personnel Services         $559,140    $598,976   $599,954    $582,146    $594,009    $595,592
               Materials & Supplies          2,829       2,323      1,585       3,200       1,695       3,200
               Other Hardware & Software     3,002      11,532     11,532      28,000      16,810      28,000
               Maintenance                 538,473     633,400    672,047     761,782     661,227     867,791
               Sundry Charges              714,536     655,783    526,696     626,130     531,458     593,768

               TOTAL EXPENSES            $1,817,980  $1,902,014  $1,811,814  $2,001,258  $1,805,199  $2,088,351

               Project Expenses           $382,239    $177,469   $177,469         $0          $0    $1,085,000

               Annual Replacement          130,196     116,126    116,126     134,600     140,601     134,600
               Capital Outlay/Indirect      71,523      98,712     98,712          0           0            0
               Less: Depreciation Expense  328,822     267,869    267,869     267,869     248,828     193,951

               NET EXPENSES              $2,073,116  $2,026,451  $1,936,251  $1,867,989  $1,696,972  $3,114,000

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