Page 92 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
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General Fund
General Fund Revenue and Expenditures
FY2020 FY2021 FY2021 FY2022 Change from
Final Adopted Adjusted Adopted FY2021 (%)
Property Tax 432,650,416 448,904,675 448,904,675 481,721,693 7.31%
Sales Tax 166,266,554 168,248,455 169,991,455 182,885,742 8.70%
Other Tax 52,625,826 54,279,659 54,279,659 51,946,466 -4.30%
License & Permits 17,901,512 17,653,348 17,653,348 19,637,537 11.24%
Intergovernmental 1,796,916 485,386 1,376,081 472,296 -2.70%
Charge for Service 37,936,021 43,078,465 43,082,888 42,719,552 -0.83%
Fines & Forfeitures 4,414,487 5,420,421 5,420,421 5,222,332 -3.65%
Use of Money & Property 415,712 619,937 2,433,228 3,459,742 458.08%
Other 2,685,748 2,511,365 2,511,866 2,243,643 -10.66%
Transfer In 39,904,041 40,862,324 40,862,324 41,625,774 1.87%
Total Revenues 756,597,232 782,064,035 786,515,945 831,934,777 6.38%
Use of Fund Balance - - 2,915,893 - 0.00%
City Attorney Department 7,506,842 7,272,031 7,505,805 7,452,544 2.48%
City Auditor Department 1,937,545 2,037,214 2,037,214 2,131,447 4.63%
City Managers Office Dept 10,256,160 9,620,740 9,885,779 9,942,348 3.34%
City Secretary Department 1,653,251 1,697,045 1,847,027 1,926,202 13.50%
Code Compliance Dept 20,525,730 24,041,375 24,041,375 25,691,223 6.86%
Communications & Public Engage 3,877,465 4,350,749 4,350,749 4,645,717 6.78%
Development Services 17,435,416 19,488,637 20,185,706 19,635,405 0.75%
Diversity & Inclusion Dept 1,046,794 1,711,907 1,830,261 2,089,083 22.03%
Economic Development Dept 31,226,562 29,276,264 32,493,394 41,451,007 41.59%
Financial Management Dept 11,595,811 12,122,281 14,014,615 12,722,748 4.95%
Fire Department 156,530,944 169,139,998 171,644,922 174,944,776 3.43%
Human Resources Department 4,614,378 5,479,148 5,479,148 5,754,584 5.03%
IT Solutions Department 18,096,216 15,293,580 15,964,493 17,537,956 14.68%
Library Department 19,870,646 22,295,293 22,295,293 22,900,585 2.71%
Municipal Court Department 14,177,650 14,417,298 14,417,298 14,846,205 2.97%
Neighborhood Services Dept 9,903,252 10,381,782 10,381,782 11,149,184 7.39%
Non-Departmental 1,145,000 10,477,998 5,129,941 13,509,715 28.93%
Park and Recreation Department 51,749,689 54,383,140 54,791,179 55,722,945 2.46%
Planning & Data Analytics Dept 6,235,314 6,499,712 6,499,712 8,735,579 34.40%
Police Department 262,434,881 272,987,345 273,207,127 282,524,533 3.49%
Property Management Dept 21,033,490 21,992,417 23,805,708 25,920,591 17.86%
Transportation & Public Works 67,561,357 67,098,081 67,623,310 70,700,400 5.37%
Total Expenses 740,414,395 782,064,035 789,431,838 831,934,777 6.38%
Contribution to Fund Balance - - - - 0.00%
Revenues Over(Under) Expenses $ 16,182,837 $ - $ - $ - 0.00%
Note: Significant increases in Transportation and Public Works, Property Management, and Parks and Recreation reflect the budgeting of
Pay As You Go capital funding in the appropriate departments rather than Non-Departmental.
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