Page 556 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 556

Glossary and Acronyms

            Municipal Bonds: Debt securities issued by a state, municipality, or county to finance its capital expenditures.
            Municipal bonds are exempt from federal taxes and most state and local taxes, especially if you live in the state
            in which the bond is issued.

            Net Income: Proprietary fund excess of operating revenues, non-operating revenues, and operating transfers in
            over operating expenses, non-operating expenses, and operating transfers out.

            Net Position: Net Position is the difference between (a) assets and deferred outflows of resources and (b) liabilities
            and deferred inflows of resources in a proprietary fund.

            No-New-Revenue Rax Rate: Enables the public to evaluate the relationship between taxes for the prior year and
            for the current year, based on a tax rate that would produce the same amount of taxes if applied to the same
            properties taxed in both years.

            Objective:  The  reason  for  making  specific  efforts  or  taking  deliberate  actions  with  the  intent  to  attain  or
            accomplish  an  identified  goal,  targeted  level,  or  meet  a  defined  purpose;    the  broad,  continuous  goals  of  a

            Operating  Budget:  The  portion  of  the  budget  concerning  daily  operations  that  provide  basic  governmental
            services. The operating budget contains appropriations for such expenditures as personnel, supplies, utilities,
            materials, travel, and fuel and the proposed means of financing them.

            Operating Fund: A fund that records activity on a single fiscal year basis.

            Operating Revenue:  Revenues from regular taxes, fees, fines, permits, charges, for service, and similar sources.
            Operating Revenues exclude proceeds from long-term debt instruments used to finance capital projects and other
            financial sources.

            Operating Statement:   The financial statement disclosing the financial results of operations of an entity during
            an  accounting  period  in  conformity  with  Generally  Accepted  Accounting  Principles  (GAAP).  In  governmental
            financial  reporting,  operating  statements  and  statements  of  changes  in  fund  equity  are  combined  into  "all-
            inclusive" operating statement formats.

            Operating Transfers:  Interfund transfers (e.g., legally authorized transfers from a fund receiving revenue to the
            fund through which the resources are to be expended) where there is no intent to repay. See Interfund Transfers
            and Residual Equity Transfers.

            Other Local Taxes: Refers to specialized taxes that are limited to certain products, activities, or occupations; they
            include alcoholic beverage and other product-specific tax, hotel occupancy taxes, and communication provider

            Other Revenue: Refers to miscellaneous receipts that fall outside of the other listed categories and include third-
            party reimbursement for labor costs and include some internal service charges.

            Outcome: The actual effects, impacts, or results of programs, projects, or initiatives. Outcomes can be measured
            based on their efficiency or effectiveness.

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