Page 555 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 555

Glossary and Acronyms

            Key Performance Indicator (KPI):  A strategic level performance measure that demonstrates how well the city is
            achieving Council goals and management plan core objectives.

            Key Performance Measure (KPM): A performance measure that demonstrates how effective a department is at
            achieving management plan core objectives. These may also be identified as key performance indicators by city

            Levy: To impose taxes, special assessments, or service charges for the support of city activities. Also, the amount
            of tax for an individual property or the sum of all individual amounts of tax.

            Liabilities:  Probable future sacrifices of economic benefits, arising from present obligations of a particular entity
            to transfer assets or to provide services to other entities in the future as a result of past transactions or events;
            what you owe.

            Licenses and Permits: Payments received in connection with the city’s regulatory activities and its review and
            issuance  of  permission  to  undertake  an  activity  or  pursue  an  occupation;  they  include  utility  franchise  fees;
            building, electrical, and plumbing permit fees; parking permit fees; health and safety permit fees; and occupational
            license charges.

            Line-Item Budget: A budget that lists each expenditure category (salary, materials, telephone service, travel, etc.)
            separately along with the dollar amount budgeted for each specified category.

            Long-Term Debt: Any un-matured debt that is not a fund liability and at the same time has a maturity of more
            than one year.

            Maintenance and Operations (M&O):  Taxes that are generated by the taxing unit for general expenses.

            Major Fund: Funds whose revenues, expenditures/expenses, assets or liabilities are at least 10 percent of the
            total for their fund category (governmental or enterprise) and 5 percent of the aggregate of all governmental and
            enterprise funds in total.

            Management Plan: A high-level strategic plan developed by the city’s executive-level staff that communicates
            overall guidance and direction on Council goals and the organizational actions required to pursue those goals. This
            plan assists departments in aligning their activities with Council goals.

            Milestone: A task, event, or critical decision point related to an initiative or project.  Milestones can be tracked to
            evaluate achievement or level of completion of an initiative or project.

            Mission: A statement describing an organization’s fundamental purpose.

            Modified Accrual Accounting: Modified Accrual Basis of Accounting – The accrual basis of accounting adapted to
            the  governmental  fund  type  spending  measurement  focus.  Under  this  basis  of  accounting,  revenues  are
            recognized when they become both “measurable” and “available” to finance expenditures in the current period.
            For example, revenue that is earned and measurable on April 1, is billed on April 30 , and paid on May 1  would
            not be recorded as revenue until payment is received on May 1 .

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