Page 298 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 298
The Solid Waste Capital Improvement Plan is used to complete projects to enhance the
management of residential and commercial solid waste, and recycling, within the City of Fort Worth.
Appropriations for Capital Projects and Programs are outlined below and for FY2022 shall have Solid
Waste Capital Improvement Plan receipts and appropriations totaling $1,355,000 as follows:
Capital Category Capital Project FY2022
Facility Improvements Petrol Storage Tank Imp P _103662 120,000
Projects for removal of hazard P _P00042 300,000
Studies City Facilities Enviro Assmts P _103663 75,000
Vehicles Vehicles & Equipment-Solid Was P _P00041 800,000
Code Annual Fleet Upgrade P _P00117 60,000
Total Plan $1,355,000
Ordinance No. 25073-09-2021 Page 26 of 34
Page 298 of 581