Page 28 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 28
Executive Message
All funds must be fully obligated by December 31, 2024, and fully expended by December 31, 2026. These are
grant funds and will be appropriated through Mayor & Council Communications. Therefore, the use of ARPA funds
are not included in the annual budget adoption and program objectives or the 5-year capital improvement
Capital Planning
The City is presenting, in conjunction with the FY2022 Adopted Budget, a 5-Year Capital Improvement Program
(CIP) which includes the planned capital projects and associated funding sources for the next five years. The
FY2022 Adopted Budget includes transfers to fund some of the projects in the first year of the CIP. Annually, a
review process is performed to identify capital needs before developing the annual operating budget. This allows
management to plan capital and operations long-term, ensuring capital funding is available to support the
increasing needs of our growing city. Capital funding is secured from various sources including, but not limited to,
debt issuance, special revenues, and transfers from operating (pay as you go cash.) Pay as you go capital includes
a long-range projection to guarantee a healthy allocation of funding each year from the operating budget. This
annual capital support, flowing from operating funds, is included in Transfer Out & Other categories in the
appropriate department and fund summary tables in this document.
Advertising and Lobbying Disclosure
Per Section 140.0045 of the Texas Local Government Code, the City must itemize certain expenditures in certain
political subdivision budgets. These citywide expenditures include advertising costs for notices required by law to
be published in a newspaper, and expenditures for lobbying costs which directly or indirectly influence or attempt
to influence the outcome of legislation or lobbying in FY2021, with the amount budgeted for similar activities in
Expenditures for Comparison FY2021 Estimated FY2022 Budget
Advertising-Required Legal Notices $ 60,626.32 $ 143,742.70
Lobbying Expenditures $ 339,500.00 $ 339,500.00
Schedule of Changes
The following changes were made to the FY2022 operating budget subsequent to the recommended budget that
was presented to City Council on August 10, 2022.
General Fund
· The City Manager’s Office budget increases $121,028 for the addition of one senior management analyst
to the Office of the Police Oversight Monitor.
· The Financial Management Services Department increases $150,679 for the transfer of two authorized
positions from the Water and Sewer Fund for the Accounts Payable Team. One position is being funded
by a transfer from the Water and Sewer Fund, which is shown with the $78,953 transfer in revenue.
· The Police Department Budget increases $130,154 for the conversion of an overage sergeant position into
a regular, fulltime position.
· The Non-Departmental budget decreases by $322,908 for funds used to offset the changes within the
General Fund.
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