Page 202 - FortWorthFY22AdoptedBudget
P. 202

Special Revenue Fund

            Environmental Protection

            FUND SUMMARY

                                          FY2020       FY2021       FY2021       FY2022     Change from Adopted

                                           Final      Adopted      Adjusted      Adopted     Amount       %
            Property Tax                         -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Sales Tax                            -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Other Tax                            -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            License & Permits                    -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Intergovernmental                    -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Charge for Service             4,650,344    4,352,000    4,352,000    4,834,542    482,542   11.09%
            Fines & Forfeitures                  -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Use of Money & Property          59,004       56,000        56,000      56,000          -     0.00%
            Special Assesments                   -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Other                                -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Transfer In                          -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Use of Fund Balance                  -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Revenue                      $    4,709,348   $    4,408,000   $    4,408,000   $    4,890,542   $    482,542   10.95%

            Salaries & Benefits            2,002,846    2,156,491    2,056,491    2,028,400   (128,091)  -5.94%
            Gen Operating & Maintenance    1,408,477    1,390,201    1,490,201    1,497,566    107,365    7.72%
            Capital Accts                        -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Debt Service Accts                   -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Transfer Out & Other            600,502      861,308       861,308    1,364,576    503,268   58.43%
            Contra Accounts                      -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Project Budget Account               -            -            -            -           -     0.00%
            Expenses                     $    4,011,825   $    4,408,000   $    4,408,000   $    4,890,542   $    482,542   10.95%

                                                            2021                  2022                Change
                              Fund                      AP        FTE        AP         FTE        AP        FTE
            Code Compliance                              24.00     21.82      24.00       21.82        -        -
            Grant Funds                                   5.00      7.68       5.00        7.68        -        -
            Total                                        29.00      29.50     29.00       29.50        -        -

            Formally established in 1995, the Environmental Protection Fund (EPF) assists the city in paying for regulated
            environmental quality programs, projects, and services which are designed to address air, land and water pollution
            and  generally  improve  public  health,  welfare,  and  safety.    Environmental  programs  ensure  that  the  city  and
            community achieve compliance with local, state and federal environmental rules and regulations. For examples,
            the Environmental Protection Division has historically deployed and applied the following types of services aimed
            to reduce or prevent pollution in Fort Worth:
               •       Surface water pollutant monitoring in local creeks, rivers and lakes
               •       Litter control (community cleanups, public education, operational planning)
               •       Soil/groundwater pollution remediation projects and site cleanup projects

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