Page 49 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 49

remitted to the City monthly by each hotel/ motel property in the City.  Periodic audits may be
           conducted by the Director of Finance.

             Other Governmental Fund Revenue Sources

           The City has other types of revenue.  Two categories are 1) Licenses, permits and fees estimated to collect
            $316, I 00 and 2) Fines and forfeitures estimated to collect $366,000.  Licenses and pem1its include items
           such as construction permits, impact fees, fence permit s, pet  licenses, and garage sale permits.  Fines and
            forfeitures  include  items  related  to the  Municipal  Court  and  Police  Department  such as traffic
           enforcement  ticket collections, code enforcement collections, and warrant  collections.

           I  Water and Sewer Service Revenues

           The City's Water and Sewer Fund is a proprietary fund that is set up to run much like that of a private
           business I for profit entity, by recovering operating, debt and capital costs from user charges and
           maintaining a reserve for emergencies.  The major revenue sources are water, sewer, drainage, and
           sanitation (trash) service charges. Bills are sent to residents monthly and fees collected.  Consumption
           trends are monitored for providing services and projecting revenues.  The City purchases water and sewer
           services from the City of Fort Worth.  A franchise contract is in effect for sanitation.  The City provides
           drainage services.

             Community Development Corporation Fund

           The Community Development Corporation Fund is a special revenue fund type and its uses of sales tax
           revenues are restricted by State Law for community and economic development. The programs of the fund
           are administered by the Community Development Corporation Board appointed by the City Council.

           The Community Development Corporation Fund also includes inter-fund transfer to the Debt Service
           Fund to provide 100% of the annual debt service payment requirements for the Series 2014 general
           obligation refunding bonds.

           I  Street Improvements Sales Tax Fund

           The Street Improvement Fund accounts for the use of sales tax that is restricted for the use of street repairs
           and maintenance in the City.  The fund also provides resources for the Streets-CIP Program via budgeted
           inter-fund transfer to the capital projects fund.

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