Page 35 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 35
City of Forest Hill
Budgetary Funds
Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Fw1ds
Ad Valorem Tax Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Capital Improvement Fund (51)
Building Rental Income Juvenile Case Manager Fund Street Improvements Fund (52)
Civic Center Fees Municipal Court Safety Fund
Fines and forfeitures Municipal Court Technology Fund
Franchise Fees Park & Recreation Fund
Intergovernmental Funds Police Community Relations Fund
Licenses, permit and fees Police Special Investment Fund
Mineral Rights/Leases/Royalties
Sales Tax Revenue
Proprietary Funds
Sanitation (62)
Storm Water Drainage Fund (65)
Waster Water Impact Fee (80)
Water & Sewer Utility O&M Fund (60)
Water & Sewer CIP Fund (61)
The General Fund is used to account for all finance transactions not specifically ineluctable in other funds.
The principal source of revenues in the General Fund are property taxes, sales and use taxes, franchised fees,
hotel/motel taxes, permit fees, fines, and forfeitures, and building rentals. The primary source of
expenditures in the General Fund are for general government, finance, public safety, public works, park
maintenance and recreation, planning and zoning, and engineering.