Page 30 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 30



                   Budget Administration

                  City departments will regularly review programs and services to adjust service levels and
                  operating costs.

                  All departments will be responsible for exploring the available grant opportunities and seek those
                  matching City needs.
                    Basis of Presentation

                  City accounts are organized on the basis of fund and account groups, each of which is considered
                  a separate accounting entity.

                   Governmental Funds Types

                  The General Fund is used to account for financial resources used for general operations. This is
                  a budgeted fund and any fund balances are considered resources available for current operations.
                  All revenues and expenditures are required to be accounted for in other funds area are accounted
                  for in this fund.  The General Fund appropriations are adopted as part of the annual budget
                  process.  The General Fund is accounted and budgeted on the modified accrual basis.

                  Special Revenue Funds are used to account for resources restricted to, or designated for,
                  specific purposes by a grantor.  Federal and state financial assistance generally is accounted for in
                  a Special Revenue Fund.  Normally, unused balances are returned to the grantor at the close of
                  specified project period.  Special Revenue Funds appropriations are adopted as part of the annual
                  budget process.

                  The Debt  Service Fund is used to account for tax revenues and for the payment of principal,
                  interest, and related costs on long-term debts for which a tax has been dedicated.  Any unused
                  sinking fund balances are used to lower outstanding bonds.  The Debt Service Fund
                  appropriations are adopted as part of the annual budget process.  Debt Service Funds are
                  accounted for and budgeted on the modified accrual basis.

                  Capital Project Funds are used to account for capital outlay projects financed from general debt
                  issued by the City.  Capital  Project Funds are not part of the annual budget process.  Capital
                  Project Fund appropriations require specific action by the City Council, are adopted on an
                  individual project basis, and may be appropriated on a multi-year basis.  General Capital Project
                  funds are accounted for and budgeted on the modified accrual basis.

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