Page 26 - Forest Hill FY22 Annual Budget
P. 26
Public Hearing/Budget Adoption
A public hearing on the budget and tax rate is held prior to adoption. Citizens or any other individual may
make formal comment either for or against the adopted budget. The public also has the opportunity to attend
City Council budget workshops. City Council may take action to modify the adopted budget . The Council
may also adopt a tax rate to support adopted funding levels.
Budget Amendment Process
Budget estimates may be amended and increased as the need arises to pe1mit appropriation and expenditure
of unexpended cash balances on hand and unanticipated revenues. Such amendments may be considered
and adopted at any time during the fiscal year covered by the budget by filing the amendments and upon
publishing them and giving notice of the Public Hearing in the manner required in the State Law.
City Council Long Term Strategic Planning - Vision Statement
In our on-going commitment to the citizens and businesses in the City of Forest Hill, we will endeavor
each day to be fiscally responsible, knowing that we are held accountable for our actions, to move the city
in a forward progression of economic development, to provide the best customer service to those who live,
work and play within our city limits, and to be fair and honest in all that we do. With passion, integrity and
professionalism, from within City Hall to our elected officials, we will be the leaders of the Community
Driven spirit that will guide the success for Forest Hill into the future. 11
Department Summaries
Each department is described by narrative information in the final budget in order to provide an abbreviated
idea of services provided. Summaries include the following information:
Program Description
The section outlines the general responsibility performed by the department.
Major Division Goals
Goals describe the benefit the department plans to provide to the community it serves, by
identifying the end result the division wishes to achieve.
Major Division Objectives
Objectives are steps in accomplishing stated goals with specific time frames or measurable
achievements to be completed in the current year.