Page 15 - Burleson FY22 City Budget
P. 15

•   1.0 FTE Plans Examiner
                   •   1.0 FTE Information Technology System Administrator
                   •   1.0 FTE Parks Maintenance Worker
                   •   3.0 FTEs Right of Way Mowing Crew (4B Funding)
                   •   0.5 FTE Municipal Judges – reclassification of position
                   •   (1.0 FTE) Environmental Services Manager - elimination of position
                   •   (1.0 FTE) Golf Operations Manager - elimination of position
                   •   (1.0 FTE) Engineering Development Manager - elimination of position

               Water and Wastewater Fund
               The  proposed budget  does not recommend any fee increases  for water or sewer utility
               customers. The five-year capital improvement program (CIP) for water projects is approximately

               $25 million, and the five-year CIP for sewer is $21.1 million. This includes $14.7 million for the
               sewer line that is being constructed by the city of Fort Worth.

               In addition, the  budget includes  $74,600 to continue the  proactive replacement  of water
               meters.  As part of the equipment  replacement  program, the  budget  provides  $50,470  to
               upgrade a pickup truck.  The upgrade will enable support services to navigate off-road rural
               areas carrying the needed equipment for services and repairs.

               To ensure public safety when working on roadways, the budget also provides $36,000 for two
               electronic message boards that may be transported and stationed at work locations to warn
               motorists of upcoming work areas proving the required safety for both the workers and the

               Information Technology Fund
               To provide proper backup and disaster recovery infrastructure, the budget provides $237,183
               to replace the current server at City Hall.  City council  adopted the  Information Technology
               Strategic Plan in May  2020, and the top-rated item  was the  implementation of a  new ERP
               application system. In conjunction with the ERP system implementation, a system administrator
               is included with the budget to provide additional administration for the new ERP system.

               Additionally, the proposed budget includes $235,000 for costs related to implementing the new
               system over the coming year. The budget includes $1.9 million for the cost of purchasing and
               implementing the new system, which is all funded without issuing any debt.

               Finally,  the proposed  budget recommends $103,397  for the  upgrade of the  911 dispatch
               recording system and $159,247 to complete a needs assessment related to the computer aided

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