Page 14 - Burleson FY22 City Budget
P. 14

city council has the appropriate  production quality, the budget includes a video specialist
               position upgrade, a part-time production assistant and additional video equipment for $37,604.
               The budget also  provides  funding  for additional outreach methods,  including  removing the
               quarterly newsletter from the utility bill and mailing it directly to all residents, enhanced direct
               texting  to citizens, public service announcement postcards and kiosk signs for a  total of
               $100,000. A customer service community survey $25,000 and funding for CityFest $6,900 are

               also included to enhance the residents' quality of life.

               A library master plan and facility study, a total of $40,000, is included with the proposed budget
               to ensure that the library is a great place to live, learn, work and play into the future.

               The budget includes $20,000 for an Indirect Cost Allocation Study that will be used to calculate
               appropriate inter-fund transfers based on services provided within the city.

               Budget Funds Summary

               The overall FY 2021-22 Proposed Budget for all funds is $155.4 million and includes 429.55
               full-time equivalent (FTE) positions. A comprehensive summary of the budget is attached in
               the accompanying Budget Overview section of this document.

               The total proposed tax rate is $0.6859 per $100 of assessed valuation which is $0.0252 cents
               lower than the prior year. Of this amount, $0.4974 provided for maintenance and operations
               and $0.1885 is provided for debt service.

               The proposed budget provides funding for a net increase of 20 FTEs for all funds compared to
               the FY 2020-21 budget. The proposed changes include:
                   •   1.0 FTE for a new Canine Officer
                   •   1.0 FTE for a new CID Police Sergeant
                   •   2.0 FTEs for a new Police SRO (BISD Funding)
                   •   2.0 FTEs for two Downtown Police Officers (TIF #2)
                   •   6.0 FTEs for new Firefighters (ARPA Funding)
                   •   1.0 FTE for a new Fire Administrative Lieutenant (ARPA Funding)
                   •   1.0 FTE Human Resource Assistant
                   •   0.5 FTE Video Production Assistant (4A Funding)
                   •   1.0 FTE Engineering Inspector
                   •   1.0 FTE Building Inspector

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