Page 21 - FY 2021-22 ADOPTED BUDGET
P. 21
Goals and Action Items: Transportation
Goal 1: Maintain an up-to-date Master Thoroughfare Plan.
Action Items
1.1: Implement the Master Thoroughfare Plan and update, as necessary.
1.2: Require right-of-way dedication at the time of platting or re-platting of property.
Goal 2: Base roadway development on the Future Land Use Map.
Action Items
2.1: Conduct Level of Service evaluations on non-residential roadways with the assistance of the North Central
Texas Council of Governments (NCTCOG), as opportunities arise.
2.2: Continue to coordinate with the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) and NCTCOG for
transportation improvement projects and funding.
2.3: Annually review, and as necessary update, the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) to include roadway
projects to maintain and upgrade existing roadways.
2.4: Continue to leverage the annual Tarrant County street overlay program to the maximum extent practicable.
2.5: Establish and institute a Pavement Management Plan.
Goal 3: Enhance overall traffic and pedestrian safety.
Action Items
3.1: Periodically gather traffic counts on key roadways.
3.2: Continue to gather accident data and monitor accident patterns to evaluate whether any traffic control or
roadway modifications may improve traffic safety.
3.3: Support the installation of way-finding signage at key areas throughout the City.
3.4: Support the installation of streetlights at all intersections.