Page 424 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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             United Parcel Service (UPS), Inc.                    PHC Equities, LLC.
             Type: Regional Distribution Center                   Type: Industrial Warehouse and Office Facility
             Capital Investment: $200 million                     Capital Investment: $15‐20 million
             Size: 1,100,000 sq. ft.                              Size: 162,000 sq. ft.
             Employees: 1,400                                     Employees: 50
             Deal: The Arlington City Council approved a Chapter 380 grant   Deal: The Arlington City Council approved a Chapter
             that provides a tax rebate of 85% over seven years on   380 grant agreement that provides a tax rebate of 80%
             business personal property.                          over seven years on real property.

             Update:                                              Update:
             The facility is now fully operational.  The adjustments made to   The project is underway and making progress.  P&H
             the conveyor system to optimize processing and productivity   Casters’ expansion and consolidation project was
             was successful.  UPS has ramped up operations to surpass the   recently featured on the Dallas Morning News and
             initial target capacity of processing 56,000 packages per hour   captured the attention of the region.  Staff also
             and are able to adjust capacity as needed to reach daily goals.   highlighted the company and their project in the latest
             The ultimate goal is to continue to increase capacity to reach a  edition of the Invest in Our Economy Newsletter.  They
             peak of 72,000 packages per hour.  The current challenge has   are wrapping up grading activity to begin vertical
             been hiring and maintaining constant employment to support   construction.  They plan to start construction as soon as
             this goal and demand.  They recently replaced more dead   their site plan is approved and building permit is issued
             trees along the retaining wall to ensure citizens’ and   to continue progress and make up for any delays.
             neighborhood satisfaction with low distractions and noise   Anticipated completion timeframe remains by the end
             levels.  The structured parking facility is still being   of calendar year 2021.
             contemplated but has not been approved.

             Main 7
             Type: Housing Development
             Capital Investment: $14.7 million
             Townhomes: 53
             Deal: The Arlington City Council approved a Tax Increment
             Reimbursement Agreement by and between Savannah
             Main 7, LLC relative to the construction of the development at
             the corner of W. Main Street and Cooper Street in June 2020.

             The first 14 units of the Main 7 townhouse development are
             presently under construction are expected to be completed in
             August 2021.  Post COVID‐19 building materials shortages
             have significantly slowed down construction schedules.
             Developer has submitted plans to the City for the next 16
             units (phase 2).

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