Page 272 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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The City of Arlington has several funds for investing in the City’s infrastructure. The funds
are separated by use and are managed by the corresponding department. In general, the
funding for infrastructure comes from bond elections which occur at 3 to 5-year intervals.
The funds have several revenue sources such as general obligation bonds, certificates of
obligations, impact fees, interest earnings, grants, funding from other governmental
entities, gas leases, and transfers from other operating funds.
AIRPORT CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS (4025, 4085) – The primary purpose of this fund is to account for
terminal expansion, runways, or other airport construction and related projects. Funds are provided primarily through bond sales,
interest earnings, and grants.
FIRE CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS (4020, 4075) – The primary purpose of this fund is to account for
construction and other capital project expenditures related to building fire stations and funding other fire prevention related
projects. Funds are provided primarily through bond sales and interest earnings.
LIBRARY CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS (4080, 4081) – The primary purpose of this fund is to account for
construction and other capital project expenditures related to building branch libraries, acquiring additions to the library collection
and funding library related projects. Funds are provided primarily through bond sales and interest earnings.
FUNDS (4045, 4050, 4051) – The primary purpose of this fund is to account for expenditures connected with the
planning, construction, and refurbishing of various municipal office buildings. Funds are provided primarily through bond sales
and interest earnings.
PARK CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS (4000, 4002, 4003) – The primary purpose of this fund is to account
for parkland acquisition, construction of swimming pools, and other park and recreation related construction, as well as various
other park and recreation related projects. Funds are provided primarily through bond sales, interest earnings, and impact fees.
POLICE CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS (4055, 4060, 4105) – The primary purpose of this fund is to account
for construction and other capital project expenditures related to building police stations and funding other police related projects.
Funds are provided primarily through bond sales and interest earnings.
TRAFFIC CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS (4040, 4100) – The primary purpose of this fund is to account for
construction of the City's streetlight and traffic signal systems, to perform thoroughfare analysis and to design and install various
other traffic related projects. Funds are provided primarily through bond sales and interest earnings.
STORMWATER CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS (4010, 4011) – The primary purpose of this fund is to
account for improvements to the City's storm water drainage system. Funds are provided through a combination of available
stormwater fees and bond sales.
STREET CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS (4035, 4036, 4037) – Street Capital Projects Fund accounts for the
purchase of rights of way and land, construction of streets and related facilities, and to account for various other projects related
to street construction. Funds are provided primarily through bond sales, interest earnings, and impact fees.
WATER CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS (4015, 4030, 4065, 4070, 4090, 4095) – The primary
purpose of this fund is to account for improvements and extensions to the City's water, wastewater and reclaimed water system.
Funds are provided through a combination of available pay-go and bond sales.
FY 2022 Adopted Budget and Business Plan 261 City of Arlington, Texas