Page 276 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Approved Budget Proposals
American Rescue Plan Grant Fund
FY 2022
Dept. Budget Proposal Description Amount Offset Recurring One-time FTE
ED FY22-ED-CS01 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Purchase/Contract 3,250 3,250
ED FY22-ED-CS02 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Miscellaneous Expense 20,000 20,000
ED FY22-ED-CS03 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 32,000 32,000
Finance FY22-FIN-CS01 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Purchase/Contract 15,000 15,000
Finance FY22-FIN-CS02 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 42,597 42,597
Finance FY22-FIN-CS03 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Interdepartmental Expenses 15,301 15,301
Fire FY22-FIR-CS01 Heavy Fleet Apparatus 2,586,512 2,586,512
Fire FY22-FIR-CS02 Fire MDC Replacement 198,441 183,441 15,000
Fire FY22-FIR-CS03 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Supplies 70,500 70,500
Fire FY22-FIR-CS04 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 12,126 12,126
Fire FY22-FIR-NP01 Public Health Staffing 144,136 144,136 2
Fire FY22-FIR-NP02 Battalion 3 419,774 419,774 3
Fire FY22-FIR-NP03 3rd Squad 340,065 340,065 3
Fire FY22-FIR-NP04 LRV to Squad Conversion 3,623,222 3,623,222 39
HR FY22-HR-CS02 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Salaries and Wages 20,000 20,000
HR FY22-HR-CS03 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Purchase/Contract 10,000 10,000
HR FY22-HR-CS04 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Miscellaneous Expense 4,000 4,000
HR FY22-HR-CS05 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 15,500 15,500
Judiciary FY22-JUD-CS01 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Supplies 1,000 1,000
Judiciary FY22-JUD-CS02 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 1,000 1,000
Library FY22-LIB-CS01 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Supplies 160,788 160,788
Library FY22-LIB-CS02 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Maintenance and Repair 2,008 2,008
Library FY22-LIB-CS03 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Miscellaneous Expense 1,500 1,500
NDP FY22-NDP-CS02 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Purchase/Contract 21,000 21,000
OSI FY22-OSI-CS02 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Salaries and Wages 10,000 10,000
OSI FY22-OSI-CS03 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Supplies 2,500 2,500
OSI FY22-OSI-CS04 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 2,000 2,000
Parks - GF FY22-PRK-CS04 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Salaries and Wages 282,150 282,150
Parks - GF FY22-PRK-CS05 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Supplies 138,800 138,800
Parks - GF FY22-PRK-CS06 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Purchase/Contract 362,240 362,240
Parks - GF FY22-PRK-CS07 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Maintenance and Repair 303,614 303,614
Parks - GF FY22-PRK-CS08 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 4,484 4,484
Parks - GF FY22-PRK-CS09 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Interdepartmental Expenses 3,000 3,000
Parks - GF FY22-PRK-CS10 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Capital Outlay 76,000 76,000
PDS FY22-PDS-CS01 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Salaries and Wages 57,277 57,277
PDS FY22-PDS-CS02 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Purchase/Contract 20,000 20,000
PDS FY22-PDS-CS03 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 5,000 5,000
Police FY22-POL-CS02 Department Psychological Services 25,320 25,320
Police FY22-POL-CS03 Motor Cycle Use Allotment 18,714 18,714
Police FY22-POL-CS04 Employee and Volunteer Support 25,000 25,000
Police FY22-POL-CS06 Blood Draw Kits 10,000 10,000
Police FY22-POL-CS07 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Salaries and Wages 100,000 100,000
Police FY22-POL-CS08 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Supplies 40,000 40,000
Police FY22-POL-CS09 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Purchase/Contract 77,328 77,328
Police FY22-POL-CS10 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 85,000 85,000
Police FY22-POL-NP01 Blue Chip Program 150,000 150,000
Police FY22-POL-NP02 Police Chaplain 142,657 136,633 6,024 1
Police FY22-POL-NP04 Investigative Sergeants 426,400 372,281 54,119 3
Police FY22-POL-NP05 Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Task force Officer 108,319 95,374 12,945 1
Police FY22-POL-NP07 Accreditation and Policy Unit Expansion 90,837 90,837 1
Police FY22-POL-NP09 Geographic CID Detectives 444,785 383,856 60,929 4
Police FY22-POL-NP11 Convert PT Office Asst to FT for Training Center 49,563 49,563 1
Police FY22-POL-NP12 Training Center Building Utilization Review 50,000 50,000
Police FY22-POL-NP13 California Lane Garage Expansion 510,000 10,000 500,000
Police FY22-POL-NP14 3rd Floor Ott Cribbs Remodel 40,000 40,000
Police FY22-POL-NP15 Ott Cribbs Expansion 250,000 250,000
PWK FY22-PWK-CS01 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Salaries and Wages 39,778 39,778
PWK FY22-PWK-CS02 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Supplies 43,338 43,338
PWK FY22-PWK-CS03 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Purchase/Contract 10,000 10,000
PWK FY22-PWK-CS04 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Maintenance and Repair 178,874 178,874
PWK FY22-PWK-CS05 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 21,500 21,500
Dispatch FY22-DIS-CS05 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Supplies 10,000 10,000
Fleet FY22-FLT-NP01 Police Fleet Vehicle Replacements 1,500,000 1,500,000
IT FY22-IT-CS02 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Supplies 92,730 92,730
IT FY22-IT-CS03 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Maintenance and Repair 339,552 339,552
IT FY22-IT-CS04 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 81,744 81,744
IT FY22-IT-PRO04 Enterprise IT Project - Content Management System for Police 675,000 375,000 300,000
IT FY22-IT-PRO05 Enterprise IT Project - Electronic Dashboards for Police 600,000 391,000 209,000
SMF FY22-SMF-CS02 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Salaries and Wages 29,685 29,685
SMF FY22-SMF-CS03 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Supplies 18,000 18,000
SMF FY22-SMF-CS04 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Purchase/Contract 100,000 100,000
SMF FY22-SMF-CS05 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Maintenance and Repair 101,000 101,000
SMF FY22-SMF-CS06 Restore FY21 Budget Cut - Travel/Training 11,700 11,700
American Rescue Plan Grant Fund Total 15,999,853 - 10,415,324 5,584,529 58
FY 2022 Adopted Budget and Business Plan 265 City of Arlington, Texas