Page 266 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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                                    FISCAL YEARS 2021‐2025 STORM WATER UTILITY CAPITAL BUDGET

               Department               Project              Adopted 2021  Preliminary 2022 Preliminary 2023 Preliminary 2024 Preliminary 2025

            Stormwater Utility  Annual Localized Drainage Projects  $3,500,000  $1,500,000  $5,000,000  $5,000,000  $2,000,000
            Stormwater Utility  Harvest Hills & Briar Meadow Drainage Improvements  $7,500,000  $0  $6,500,000  $0  $0
            Stormwater Utility  Tributary CC2(360 to Susan) Conceptual Study  $0  $0       $0    $5,500,000     $0
            Stormwater Utility  2019 Misc Drainage (Collins)     $500,000       $0         $0         $0        $0
            Stormwater Utility  JC‐9 (Cooper to Collins)             $0     $250,000       $0    $2,500,000  $2,500,000
            Stormwater Utility  California Lane Drainage Improvements  $0  $6,500,000  $5,000,000     $0   $3,000,000
            Floodplain Management
            Stormwater Utility  Flood Mitigation Buyouts        $3,000,000      $0         $0         $0        $0
            Stormwater Utility  Annual Bridge, Channel and Infrastructure Maintenance  $2,000,000  $500,000  $500,000  $500,000  $500,000
            Stormwater Utility  Annual Maintenance Contract (Misc Concrete)  $150,000  $100,000  $100,000  $100,000  $100,000
            Stormwater Utility  2019 Ditch Maintenance           $900,000  $2,000,000  $2,000,000     $0        $0
            Stormwater Utility  Lower Johnson Maintenance Ramp  $1,000,000
            Stormwater Utility  Stormwater Infrastructure Evaluations  $250,000  $0        $0         $0        $0
            Annual Contracts or Programs
            Stormwater Utility  Construction Materials Testing   $100,000   $100,000   $100,000   $100,000  $100,000
            Stormwater Utility  Irrigation                        $40,000    $40,000    $40,000    $40,000   $40,000
                          Development Review (Flood Study and Detention
            Stormwater Utility                                    $25,000    $50,000    $50,000    $50,000   $50,000
            Stormwater Utility  Stormwater CIP Services          $100,000   $100,000   $100,000   $100,000  $100,000
            Stormwater Utility  Stormwater Review Consulting      $25,000    $25,000    $25,000    $25,000   $25,000
            Stormwater Utility  Flood Monitoring System           $30,000    $20,000    $20,000    $20,000   $20,000
            Stormwater Utility  Internal Charges                 $250,000   $250,000   $250,000   $250,000  $250,000
            Erosion Protection/Repair Projects
            Stormwater Utility  VC(A)‐1 Drainage and Erosion Improvements  $500,000  $0  $1,500,000   $0        $0
                                                GRAND TOTAL $19,870,000 $11,435,000 $21,185,000 $14,185,000 $8,685,000

            FY 2022 Adopted Budget and Business Plan                                        255                                                                City of Arlington, Texas
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