Page 261 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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Identification of Needs
The needs for new capital improvements are identified in many different ways:
calls from citizens,
City Council priorities,
inventory reviews,
the various city-wide master plans,
new development needs, and
economic stimulation needs
To facilitate citizen input, The City of Arlington utilizes the Citizen’s Bond Committee (CBC), regular town hall meetings, and the
Capital Budget Executive Committee.
The Citizen’s Bond Committee brings Arlington residents directly into the capital improvement process by facilitating a face-to-
face meeting between City staff and citizens. Citizens are selected for the committee by the City Council through an application
process. Once selected, the Committee is given comprehensive information regarding City priorities on capital improvements,
as well as recommendations from staff. City staff then takes input on needs identification and even offers tours to capital
improvement sites. The CBC met in May 2018, for the City’s next bond election. The 2018 Bond election was voted on and
approved by the voters in in November 2018.
The City’s Capital Budget Executive Committee consists of directors of departments who utilize bond funding, and
representatives of the Finance Department, and the City Manager’s Office. For more description on the Capital Budget Executive
Committee, please see the “Capital Budget” section on the next page.
Citizen Bond Election
After stakeholder input is gathered, a comprehensive list of capital improvement projects is identified. As necessary, in May or
November of a given year, a bond election is held to allow the general public to vote on the City’s ability to sell general obligation
bonds to fund this list of projects. The result of the election is a specific dollar amount in general obligation bonds and certificates
of obligation that the City is authorized to sell. The City will then use this authorization to sell bonds each year, within the
constraints of the City’s financial policies, until the authorization has been exhausted. The City held a bond election on November
2018, which gave authorization to sell $189.5 million in general obligation bonds. The City currently has $187.8 million in
remaining authorization.
Capital Improvement Plan
The Capital Improvement Plan represents a three- to five-year fiscal plan that prioritizes and schedules all projects included in
the bond elections. Through discussions with City staff, Council, and citizens, the Capital Improvement Plan considers the
appropriate timing of the construction of projects, the City’s ability to facilitate the construction, financial constraints in repaying
indebtedness, and the increased cost of operation and maintenance. The Capital Budget is derived, on an annual basis, from
the Capital Improvement Plan. Because the Capital Improvement Plan is affected by changes in Arlington’s economy and is
revised annually, it should be viewed as a working document.
Capital Budget
Each year a capital budget is presented to City Council for approval. The Capital Budget provides the city staff with budgeted
funds and authorization to begin or continue working on capital projects that were programmed year-by-year on the Capital
Improvement Plan.
Arlington’s Capital Budget cycle spans from October to March, when the Capital Budget is adopted. This process begins with
the City’s Capital Budget Executive Committee. The Committee last met in October 2020 to discuss a priority project list for the
use of the remaining City’s 2014 Bonds and the 2018 New Bond authorization. In developing the capital budget, the Capital
Budget Executive Committee considered a variety of factors on the decision-making process, including:
FY 2022 Adopted Budget and Business Plan 250 City of Arlington, Texas