Page 208 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
P. 208

General Fund                                          Return  to  Table  of  Contents
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            PARKS AND RECREATION: Mike Hunter, Interim Director
            Department Narrative                   Business Plan Goals and Objectives

            The Parks and Recreation Department is     Goal: Expand and Enhance the City’s Image
            responsible for most of the City’s recreation   o  Objective: Develop a Sense of Place
            programs and resources.  The mission of     Goal: Partner with Local Organizations to Educate and Mentor
            the department is to provide quality       o  Objective: Strengthen Education and Enrichment Programs
            facilities and services that are responsive to     Goal: Provide Activities, Educational Opportunities, and Services that
            a diverse community and sustained with a   Meet the Needs of the Community
            focus  on partnerships, innovation and     o  Objective: Develop and Implement Programming Based on the
            environmental leadership.  A Gold Medal       Needs of the Community
            winning, and nationally accredited parks     Goal: Improve Operational Efficiency
            and recreation system improves the quality   o  Objective: Seek New or Alternative Funding Sources
            of life for Arlington citizens.          Goal: Support and Expand Programs to Reduce Environmental Impacts
                                                       o  Objective: Protect and Preserve the Natural Environment
            At A Glance

               116 Authorized Positions           Budget Highlights
               Budget Break Down                    New Marketing Aide $56,398 (Partially Offset)
                 Personnel Services      $7,669,395    One-time Funding for Centralized Irrigation System Expansion $66,000
                 Operating Expenses     9,989,827     One-time Funding for Green Screens Program $70,000
                 Capital Outlay         3,614,563    One-time Parks ATF Funding for:
                 Total                $21,273,785      o  Maintenance Equipment Replacement $494,563

                                                       o  Parking Lot Renovations $750,000
            Revenue Highlights                         o  Playground Replacement Program $1,220,000
               Park Bond Fund           $70,000       o  Erosion Control $330,000
                Reimbursements                         o  Pond Dredging $1,150,000
                                                     Increased Recurring Funding for Mowing Contracts CPI Increase
                                                     Increased Recurring Funding for Parks Janitorial Contract $35,332
                                                     Increased Recurring Funding for New Park Development O&M $68,589
                                                     Increased Recurring Funding for Parks Security $50,000
                                                     Increased Recurring Funding for Urban Forestry Renewal Program

            FY 2022 Adopted Budget and Business Plan                                        197                                                                City of Arlington, Texas
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