Page 213 - Microsoft Word - FY 2022 Adopted Budget Document
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POLICE DEPARTMENT: Alexander Jones, Police Chief
Department Narrative Business Plan Goals and Objectives
The Arlington Police Department is a full-service Goal: Implement Strategies to Eliminate Racism and Other Forms
law enforcement agency tasked with providing of Discrimination and to Advance Unity in Arlington
public safety and protecting property through o Objective: Address Policing and Criminal Justice Disparities
enforcing state and local criminal laws. The Goal: Improve Operational Efficiency
department is comprised of sworn uniformed o Objective: Organize to Improve Operational Efficiency
officers, detectives and supervisors who are Goal: Utilize Targeted Initiatives and Industry Best Practices and
supported by professional staff team members. Policies to Foster a Safe Environment
The Chief of Police is directly accountable to the o Objective: Improve Quality of Life and Place
City Manager and directs the operations and
administration of the agency. The department is Budget Highlights
responsible for preservation of the public peace, New Health and Wellness Fitness Instructor (Position Trade)
protection of the rights of all persons and New Behavioral Health Unit $1,216,429
property, prevention and detection of crime, o 1 Sergeant
arrest of offenders, enforcement of state laws o 4 Police Officers
and local ordinances, building relationships with o 4 Masters Clinicians
community members, proactive patrols to deter One-time Funding for Behavioral Health Unit $275,974
criminal activity, and traffic enforcement and
education to reduce injury and fatal crashes. Increased Recurring Funding for Overtime for Implementation of
This is accomplished through a geographic New Juneteenth Holiday $264,141
policing philosophy where officers and
supervisors are assigned defined boundaries
throughout the city to build positive relationships
and improve quality of life for residents and
At A Glance
906 Authorized Positions
694 Sworn Positions
212 Civilian Positions
Budget Break Down
Personnel Services $97,315,119
Operating Expenses 21,294,888
Capital Outlay 147,000
Total $118,757,007
Revenue Highlights
AISD – SRO Program 2,117,538
Burglar Alarm Permits 673,000
Total $2,790,538
FY 2022 Adopted Budget and Business Plan 202 City of Arlington, Texas