Page 89 - Kennedale Budget FY21
P. 89


               The mission of this department is the protection of life and property of the citizens of Kennedale through
               public education, fire prevention code enforcement, and the response of highly-trained professional
               emergency response personnel.

                H I G H L I G H T S   A N D   G O A L S   A C C O M P L I S H E D
                     Fully staffed emergency response
                     Continued education. Four of our personnel are presently attending paramedic school,
                       they are expected to graduate next February
                     Contracted with a more productive EMS billing and collections company
                     Contracted with Emergicon for fire responses revenue recovery
                     Changed medical directors to a more aggressive forward thinking organization to better
                       serve our citizens medical needs
                     Updated our fee schedule

                S H O R T - T E R M   G O A L S
                     Recruitment and Retention
                     Implement a strict capitol replacement plan
                     Add a Fire Marshall position
                     Increase ambulance revenue
                     Fire station facilities upgrade
                     Continue updating Standard Operating Policies and Procedures
                     Public education, begin delivery of CPR training to the public
                     Evaluate staffing needs for the future
                     Deliver EMS safety tips to the community

                L O N G - T E R M   G O A L S
                     Recruitment and Retention
                     Continuation of the capital replacement plan
                     Facility replacement. (include station, administration and training)
                     Develop a fire prevention program that ensures all businesses are compliant with current
                       codes and also provides enforcement for citizen's safety
                     Sufficient staffing to conduct all business inspections to reduce the support from
                       operations personnel. Provide strong support to operations personnel with pre-fire plans.

                S T A F F I N G   R E S O U R C E S
                     Fire Chief – 1.0 FTE
                     Fire Services Administrator – 1.0 FTE
                     Lieutenants –3.0 FTE
                     Drivers/Engineers – 3.0 FTE
                     Firefighters/Paramedics –12.0 FTE

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