Page 13 - City of Bedford FY21 Budget
P. 13

Provide a safe and friendly community environment
                                     Protect the vitality of neighborhoods
                                     Encourage citizen involvement
                                     Support and develop arts and culture in Bedford

                       Strategic Focus Areas

                          •  Area 1 – Revitalization
                              Revitalized  storefronts,  streets,  and  neighborhoods  attract  future  residents  and
                              businesses  to  the  community.    Thriving  commercial  centers  enhance  Bedford’s
                              image  and  should  be  reflective  of  the  City’s  collective  social  and  economic
                              aspirations.  Attracting unique businesses will demonstrate how Bedford is distinct
                              from other communities.
                                 o  Strategic Initiatives
                                           Promote  underutilized  property,  transforming  key  commercial
                                            nodes into unique destinations.
                                           Develop a neighborhood reinvestment strategy.
                                           Align policies and codes with a redevelopment strategy.
                                           Change/Improve the aesthetics of the City.

                          •  Area 2 – Economic Vitality
                              The promotion of high-quality economic growth and business development that
                              expands and diversifies the tax base and will enhance the quality of life for Bedford
                                 o  Strategic Initiatives
                                           Diversity the City’s economic base.
                                           Support the retention and expansion of Bedford employers.
                                           Capitalize  on  Bedford’s  reputation  for  exceptional  community

                          •  Area 3 – Transformation
                              Bedford  is  committed  to  cultivating  vibrant,  unique  spaces  that  enhance  the
                              community and attract and benefit residents, businesses, and visitors.
                                 o  Strategic Initiatives
                                           Establish a strategic vision and plan that create a distinct destination
                                            through catalyst projects.
                                           Develop a system for sustainable infrastructure.
                                           Enhance public safety in the community.
                                           Transform fiscal practices to create a sustainable financial future.

                          •  Area 4 – Organizational Excellence
                              Excellent performance  requires  aligning  efforts  that  drive  internal  effectiveness
                              with  those  that  create  external  impact.    Bedford  is  committed  to  becoming  a

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