Page 12 - Saginaw FY19 Annual Budget
P. 12

The  City  of  Saginaw  prepared  for  the  growth  projected  in  the  1990’s  by  constructing
               infrastructure to meet the demand.  As the City approaches build-out, the new plan focuses on
               strengthening  the  infrastructure  system  and  maintaining  and  rehabilitating  existing
               infrastructure.   Because the City of Saginaw is a mature city with a stable political and financial
               base, Council is able to prepare formal long range financial plans every five years with a review
               of priorities on an annual basis that is translated into the annual budget by Staff.  Each year the
               planned projects are evaluated based on the projected needs and available funding.

               The  annual  budget  is  developed  within  the  context  of  the  long-range  plans  adopted  by
               Council.  These plans anticipate funding needs and available revenues and forecast methods
               for matching future revenues and expenditures.  Due to conservative planning on the part of
               the City Council and Staff, the City has been able to absorb the impact of economic swings.
               The City of Saginaw was fiscally conservative during the economic expansion from 1990 to 2005.
               Fund  balances  built  up  during  the  economic  expansion  have  been  available  for  one  time
               expenditures during the economic downturn.  One time expenditures include capital projects,
               capital purchases and special requests that are not of a recurring nature.  The City funded the
               reconstruction of City Hall and park improvements using cash fund balance.            General Fund
               balance at the end of FY2018/2019 is projected to be $8.7 million.  Ending fund balance includes
               restricted  resources,  25%  of  operating expenditures,  and  reserved  resources  for  the  possible
               increased  cost  of  the  Bailey  Boswell  Overpass  project,  leaving  $2.7  million  in
               unrestricted/unreserved resources.  A long range financial forecast, along with the associated
               assumptions,  is  included  in  the  Policies,  Resolutions,  &  Ordinances  section  of  this  budget
               document.  City Management is currently working on a more detailed long range financial plan
               in preparation for a possible bond election in 2019.

               The  City  continues  to  emerge  from  the  economic  downturn  that  was  associated  with  the
               national economic recession.  There has been some growth in economic activity with sales tax
               revenues expected to increase by 1% this next year and increase slowly over the next five years.
               High demand and a tight housing inventory throughout the State of Texas has resulted in an
               increase of over 12.9% in property tax values for the City of Saginaw in 2018.  For the purposes
               of calculating property tax revenue the State of Texas has limited the taxable valuation increase
               on residential property to 10% per year.   Residential building continues with 200 new home starts
               projected in the coming year.

                In  connection  with  the  Comprehensive  Master  Plan,  the  City  has  adopted  the  following
               strategies to meet the challenges for the next five years.

                     Maintain service and staffing levels
                     Seek alternative sources of funding and use inter-local agreements to increase levels of
                       service or cost savings
                     Maintain adequate reserve funds to operate the City in case of financial emergency
                     Maintain and upgrade the City’s infrastructure to assure quality services

               The following pages present the City’s goals, achievements and objectives within the framework
               of  the  strategies  developed  through  the  City’s  long  range  planning.   Departmental  goals,
               achievements, and objectives and how those relate to the overall City long range planning are
               included with each department’s budget.  City Management is in the process of revising the
               City’s Strategic Plan which will influence future year’s goals and objectives and action plans.
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