Page 70 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 70

CSO PEP Changes/Requests

 FY 2023-2024  Current Year  Cost      Notes
 CSO  None

       Total $                                -

 FY 2024-25  Phase 1  Cost
 CSO  Administrative Assistant - PT New  $              21,227  New Position

 General Fund  Total $                         21,227

 FY 2025-26  Phase 2  Cost

 CSO  Promote Assistant to City Secretary to Deputy City Sec  $                3,150  Career Ladder Promotion - estimated
 General Fund  Total $                3,150

 FY 2026-27  Phase 3  Cost
 CSO  None

       Total $                                -

 FY 2027-28  Phase 4  Cost
 CSO  None

       Total $                                -

   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75