Page 66 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 66


           The  following  pages  present  the  City  of  Watauga’s  Personnel
           Enhancement Plan. (PEP)
           for FY2024-2028. The purpose of this Personnel Enhancement Plan is to identify current and
           future personnel needs, justify these needs and  develop a plan to fund these positions.  City
           administration  will  continue  to  rely  on  planning  tools  and  documents  such  as  the  Personnel
           Improvement Plan to ensure sufficient staffing numbers exist to maintain quality services to our

           The  PEP  provides  a  five  (5)  year  staffing  plan  created  as  a  result  of  department  directors’
           requests.  It is used as a tool for the annual budgeting process. Although 8.50 FTEs (Full-Time
           Equivalent Employees) were requested for the FY2024-2025 budget year, only 1.75 FTE positions
           were  funded  for a  partial  year  to  reduce  the  budgetary  impact  and  still  provide  departmental

           Additional changes in the FY2024-2025 personnel include reclassing the four part-time Summer
           Maintenance Worker positions funding to a full-time Maintenance Worker I position, reclassing
           positions previously funded by grants into departmental budgets, and four position promotions.

           Additional  details  on  the  City’s  number  of  FTEs  by  department  can  be  found  in  the  Budget
           Summary section of this document.  The requests that were submitted for FY2024-25 that were
           not  funded  will  be  reevaluated  during  the  next  budget  cycle.    Through  the  PEP  process
           department directors also submitted requests for the reclassification of existing positions. These
           reclassifications are due to an increase in responsibilities, as well as the creation of promotional
           paths within the departments to supplement the City’s Succession Plan and promote employee
           retention. Reclassifications do not affect the number of FTEs.

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