Page 328 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 328

W/S Debt Service Fund

                                 Annual Debt Service Requirement
                 Series 2024 Certificates of Obligation ( $3,500,000)  *EST
         YEAR ENDING      OUTSTANDING                         Interest
            SEPT. 30           OCT. 1       PRINCIPAL          Rate          INTEREST        TOTAL
             2025              $3,500,000     $105,071         5.0%            $170,373       $275,444
             2026              $3,394,929     $112,193         5.0%            $164,557       $276,750
             2027              $3,282,736     $111,568         5.0%            $164,557       $276,125
             2028              $3,171,168     $176,483         5.0%              $98,767      $275,250
             2029              $2,994,685     $217,765         5.0%              $61,235      $279,000
             2030              $2,776,920     $194,411         5.0%              $82,964      $277,375
             2031              $2,582,509     $191,056         5.0%              $84,444      $275,500
             2032              $2,391,453     $228,866         5.0%              $49,384      $278,250
             2033              $2,162,587     $226,241         5.0%              $49,384      $275,625
             2034              $1,936,346     $228,241         5.0%              $49,384      $277,625
             2035              $1,708,105     $224,866         5.0%              $49,384      $274,250
             2036              $1,483,239     $152,041         5.0%            $123,459       $275,500
             2037              $1,331,198     $152,791         5.0%            $123,459       $276,250
             2038              $1,178,407     $153,041         5.0%            $123,459       $276,500
             2039              $1,025,366     $152,791         5.0%            $123,459       $276,250
             2040               $872,575      $152,041         5.0%            $123,459       $275,500
             2041               $720,534      $150,791         5.0%            $123,459       $274,250
             2042               $569,743      $190,956         5.0%              $86,419      $277,375
             2043               $378,787      $188,456         5.0%              $86,419      $274,875
             2044               $190,331      $190,331         5.0%              $86,419      $276,750
                                             $3,500,000                      $2,024,444     $5,524,444

                                               Year            Total         Principal       Interest

        This Year's Requirement                2025            $275,444       $105,071       $170,373

        Maximum Requirement                    2029            $279,000       $217,765         $61,235
        Total Outstanding Bonds             $3,500,000
        Total Original Issue                $3,500,000
        Issue Date                            9/1/2024
        Proceeds for contractual obligations of the City to be incurred for making permanent public improvements and
        purposes, to-wit: (1) parking lot improvement project for Public Works; (2) park projects (3) building improvement
        projects (4) the purchase of fire engine; and (5) the AMI project (Utility Fund).
          $300,000                                                      INTEREST      PRINCIPAL
                        2025  2026  2027  2028  2029  2030  2031  2032  2033  2034  2035  2036  2037  2038  2039  2040  2041  2042  2043  2044

   323   324   325   326   327   328   329   330   331   332   333