Page 324 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 324


                                  Water and Sewer Certificates of Obligation
                                                  Debt Service Fund

               The Water and Sewer Certificates of Obligation Debt Service fund is used to account for
               Certificates of Obligation whose principal and interest are payable from earnings of the
               City of Watauga's Water and Sewer Enterprise Fund.

               The original debt in the amount of $11,370,000 was used to purchase the Water and
               Sewer  system  from  the  City  of  North  Richland  Hills  in  October  1996,  to  build  the
               necessary  infrastructure,  including  an  elevated  water  tank,  and  to  purchase  the
               necessary equipment in order to efficiently run the utility system. In July of 2001, City
               engineers, along with the firm of Knowlton - English - Flowers, Inc., produced a Capital
               Improvement Plan.  Over $2.8 million in water and wastewater needs where detailed in
               this plan.  Due to the urgency of some of these needs, the City issued revenues bonds
               during FY2001-2002 to fund $1.7 million of these projects and the remaining projects
               were completed on a pay-as-you-go basis.   Due to low interest rates, the City was able
               to  refund  the  1996  Certificates  (years  2008  -  2016)  in  FY2004-2005  for  significant

               In  July  2011,  the  City  issued  $7,365,000  of  Combination  Tax  and  Limited  Pledge
               Revenue  Certificates  of  Obligation.    Of  this  amount,  $2,780,000  is  payable  from  and
               secured by  a  lien  on the net  revenues  of  the  City’s  utility  system,  and the  remaining
               $4,585,000 is funded by ad valorem taxes.  These bonds financed heavy equipment for
               water  and  sewer  operations,  and  various  improvements  to  the  utility  system.    This
               issuance was refunded in November 2020, resulting in an interest savings of $84,000
               for the remaining bonds.

               In  July  2012,  the  City  issued  $7,730,000  of  Combination  Tax  and  Limited  Pledge
               Revenue Certificates of Obligation.  These bonds financed Water and Sewer Projects
               that have been completed.      Due to low interest rates, the City was able to refund the
               certificates  in  October  2021  for  a  significant  savings  of  $419,775  for  the  remaining

               In  FY2016-2017,  $1.2  million  of  the  Utility  Fund  debt  service dropped  off due  to  the
               final  payment  being  made  in  FY2015-2016  for  the  debt  service  associated  with  the
               purchase of the Water system from North Richland Hills.  In the summer of 2017, the
               City Council considered and approved additional utility project infrastructure funding by
               issuing  certificates  of  obligation  in  the  amount  of  $7.325  million.    These  funds  were
               received  in  August  2017  and  provided  funding  for  several  water  and  sewer  projects
               identified in the City’s 5-year Capital Improvements Project plan.

               An  $8.490  million  Combination  Tax  and  Limited  Pledge  Revenue  Certificates  of
               Obligation was issued in August 2019.   $8.065 million of the issuance was dedicated
               to water sewer projects and to fund capital equipment and the remaining amount will

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