Page 179 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 179

Performance Measures

         Workload Indicators                                     FY2023        FY2024        FY2024       FY2025
                                                                  Actual      Adopted      Projected       Target
         Cases filed                                              3,970         4,000         4,500        4,500
         Warrants issued                                          1,561         1,000         1,500        1,000
         Cases set on court docket                                4,764         4,500         4,500        4,500
         Payments processed                                       4,364         4,000         4,300        4,000
         Time served and community service processed               749          1,000          550          600
         Discovery requests processed                              107           120           100          100
         Phone calls/emails                                       9,043         8,000         8,200        8,000
         Warrants cleared                                         1,473         1,000         1,500        1,500

                                                                             FY2023            FY2024       FY2025
         Measurement            Strategic Goal           Measure
                                                         Type             Goal    Actual    Goal   Actual     Goal
         Average ratio of       # 7. Attract, retain, and
         cases filed per clerk  motivate qualified staff.   Efficiency    100       110     100      125      100
         % of cases             # 8. Evaluate
         processed/disposed  technology & workplace  Effectiveness         5%       5%       5%      5%        5%
         % of payments          # 8. Evaluate
         made after text        technology & workplace  Effectiveness      10       13       15       13       15
         notification           solutions
         Conduct annual
         destruction records    # 1. Maintain the        Effectiveness      1        1        1       1         1
         which have met         financial strength of the
         State retention        City

                 Finance – Municipal Court Division at a Glance

                              Location:                         FY2025 Budget:                         Full-time
                               City Hall                                                              Employees:
                           7105 Whitley Road                        $461,790

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