Page 134 - CityofWataugaAdoptedBudgetFY25
P. 134
▪ Cybersecurity software continuation
o Parks and Recreation
▪ Fitness equipment replacements
▪ Perennial Plant replacement
o Library
▪ Furniture and equipment replacements
▪ RFID Technology enhancements
Capital Projects - The City’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) is a 5-year plan for public
physical improvements to include infrastructure such as streets, water and sewer and
drainage improvements. In addition, parks and building improvements are included in the
CIP. The CIP provides a forecast of funds available for capital projects and identifies all
planned capital improvement projects and their estimated costs. A detail of these projects
can be found in the Capital Improvement section of this document. Approximately $31.0
million in planned capital projects are included in this year ‘s budget and include
continuation of the Whitley Road Street project, the Hightower Road and Watauga Road
street projects, and various water and sewer and storm drain infrastructure projects.
Projects supported by the Economic Development Corporation include a food business
park at Capp Smith Park. Some projects will carry over from FY2023-2024 and year-
end projections are subject to change. Unused funds roll over each year until the projects
are completed. Capital equipment identified needs include $2.9 million in vehicles,
equipment, facility, and technology needs, to include the fire engine with an estimated
cost of $1.5 million. More information can be found in the Capital Outlay section of this