Page 65 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 65

How the Budget is Amended

          The City of Southlake Charter Sections 9.20 through 9.25 defines the
          process for budget amendments (see Appendix).  To meet these Charter           DID YOU
          requirements, budget amendment requests, if necessary, are evaluated            KNOW?
          and processed each year and presented to City Council for review and

          Citizen Input and Communication                                                  HAVE A BUDGET                  Budget Basics
          The process leading to the budget adoption is participatory and includes     COMMENT OR QUESTION?
          a communications  plan  that  encourages input from citizens, boards and    Contact the City Manager’s
          commissions, City departments, and the City Council.                         Office at (817) 748-8057 or
          The communications plan includes:
          - Public hearings;
          -  Live online broadcasts of City Council work sessions, meetings and public hearings;
          - Presentations to City boards and commissions;
          -  Access to all volumes of the Proposed and Adopted budgets through the Southlake Public Library system;
          -  Internet access to all budget documents and videos of public meetings at

          In addition to communication provided during the budget process, the budget is developed using feedback
          from the City’s biennial Citizen Satisfaction Survey. In this survey residents tell the City what they think are
          the most important services and what they are most satisfied with. Using this information, the budget is
          developed to ensure that these service priorities are continually met. Figure 2 below shows the services
          rated with the highest importance in the last survey, conducted in October 2023. This survey data was used
          to inform budget recommendations for FY 2025.

           Figure 2

                    2023 Citizen Survey Top 10 Most Important Services

                          HOW WELL IS THE CITY PERFORMING IN

                    Top Ten Services - Importance

                        (1) indicates this question response was
                        added in 2023. *** indicates that the
                        question response was revised in 2023.
                        Due to the change in wording for the
                        response, caution should be used in
                        direct comparison with 2021.

                                                                                 FY 2025 City of Southlake  |  Budget Book   65
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