Page 17 - CityofSouthlakeFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 17

Figure 2

                                                                                                                          Budget Overview
                                   Southlake Reserve Fund Balances


                                           Reserve Funds

                      General                                                                 Total
                        Fund                                                               Reserves
                       $14M                                                               $144.9M

                                          Purpose                      Restricted
                                         Reserves                       Reserves

                                         $37.5M                        $93.4M

                    General Fund                                                     Special Purpose Reserves
             Per the Fund Balance Policy,                                         The City has several funds where
           the undesignated fund balance                                           the use of each fund’s reserves
             in the General Fund should             Restricted Reserves           was specified when the fund was
             range between 15% and 25%         The use of reserves in restricted   created.  While not restricted by
           of operating expenses.  For FY       funds is dictated by Statute,     Statute, the use is designated in
            2025, $13.9 million will remain   unlike the General Fund reserves    accordance with the purpose of
            in the General Fund, providing       whose use is not restricted.     the fund and is not as flexible as
            25.64% of operating expenses         These include: Utility, Debt     the General Fund. These include:
           for unanticipated or emergency         Service, TIF, CCPD, Storm        Reforestation, Park Dedication,
             needs.  Use of these funds is       Water, Commercial Vehicle         Parks and Recreation, Library,
                    unrestricted.              Enforcement, Hotel Occupancy        Vehicle Replacement, Strategic
                                               Tax, Court Security/Technology,     Initiative, Facility Maintenance,
                                                Red Light Camera, Recycling,      Economic Investment, Public Art,
                                                   CEDC, and SPDC funds.           and Technology Infrastructure
                                                                                        and Security funds.

                                                                                  FY 2025 City of Southlake  |  Budget Book   17
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