Page 342 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
P. 342

MEDIAN VALUE:  The median value for an ordered array of numbers is the mid-score of the distribution.

        MIXED BEVERAGE TAX:  A tax at the rate of fourteen percent (14%) is imposed on the gross receipts
        of a licensee for the sale, preparation, or service of mixed beverages consumed on the premises of the

        MODIFIED ACCRUAL ACCOUNTING:  The basis of accounting adapted to the governmental fund type
        spending measurement focus.  Under it, revenues are recognized when they become both “measurable”

        and “available” to finance expenditures of the current period.   Expenditures are recognized when the

        related  fund  liability  is  incurred  except  for  (1)  inventories  of  materials  and  supplies  which  may  be
        considered expenditures either when purchased or when used; (2) prepaid insurance and similar items
        which  need  not  be  reported;  (3)  accumulated  unpaid  vacation,  sick  pay,  and  other  employee  benefit
        amounts    which  need   not  be  recognized  in  the  current  period,  but  for  which  larger  than  normal
        accumulations    must  be  disclosed  in  the  notes  to  the  financial  statements;  (4)  interest  on  special
        assessment    indebtedness   which  may  be  recorded  when  due  rather  than  accrued,  if  offset  by  interest
        earnings  on  special  assessment   levies;  and  (5)  principal  and  interest  on  long-term  debt  which  are
        generally  recognized   when  due.   This  accounting   technique  is  a  combination  of  cash  and  accrual
        accounting since expenditures are immediately incurred as a liability while revenues are not recorded
        until they are actually received.
        MOTOR ALL DATA SYSTEM:  Computer based automotive diagnostic and repair manual.  An essential
        tool in properly diagnosing and repairing today’s sophisticated vehicles.
        MUTUAL     AID:   Mutual Aid is when the City has an agreement with another fire department to assist
        them or they will assist us when we determine we need additional assistance or resources after arriving
        at an incident.  Anytime another fire department responds to a reported structure fire or major incident
        and needs assistance they call the other fire departments and request assistance.  That fire department
        then responds by sending one fire engine company.

        NAPA INSTITUTE OF AUTOMOTIVE TECHNOLOGY (NIAT):                      Continuing education and training in
        diagnostics skills and repair capabilities that is sponsored by NAPA Auto Parts.

        NO NEW REVENUE TAX RATE (formerly called EFFECTIVE TAX RATE):  The rate that produces the
        same revenues in terms of the total amount of taxes as compared to the prior year.

        NON-EXEMPT:  Personnel eligible to receive overtime pay when overtime work has been authorized or
        requested by the supervisor.

        NORTH TEXAS REGIONAL LIBRARY SYSTEM (NTRLS):  A consortium of 73 public libraries in North
        Texas.  It is one of ten library Systems funded through yearly grants from the Texas State Library and
        Archives  Commission.    It  offers  Libraries  consulting  services,  including  grant  writing,  workshops,
        technical support, and networking opportunities.

        OBJECTIVE: A thing aimed at or sought.

        OPERATING  BUDGET:            The  approved  financial  plan  that  outlines  estimated  revenues
        and expenditures/expenses  for  the  fiscal  year.    It  lists  line  item  allowable  expenditures/expenses
        for  daily operation necessary to provide basic governmental services.  The operating budget can only
        be amended with approval of the City Council.  (The General Fund, Debt Service Fund and Enterprise
        Fund make up the City of Saginaw's operating budget.)

        OPERATION ID:  Electric engraving pencils are available at the Police Department for citizens to
        engrave their Driver’s License Number on personal property.  This helps return stolen property to the
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