Page 341 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
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        guidelines to financial accounting and reporting.  They govern the form and content of the basic financial
        statements of an entity.  They encompass the conventions, rules, and procedures necessary to define
        accepted   accounting  practice  at  a  particular  time.  They  include  not  only  broad  guidelines  of  general
        application,  but  also  detailed  practices  and  procedures.    They  provide  a  standard  by  which  to
        measure financial presentations.

        GOAL:  The departments objective or effort to aim or achieve a desired result.

        GOVERNMENT  FINANCE  OFFICERS  ASSOCIATION  (GFOA):                           A  professional  association
        of approximately 17,500 state, provincial and local government finance officers in the  United States
        and Canada.

        GOVERNMENTAL  ACCOUNTING  STANDARDS  BOARD  (GASB):    The  source  of  generally
        accepted accounting principles (GAAP) used by State and Local governments in the United States of
        America.  It is a private, non-governmental organization.

        GOVERNMENTAL  FUNDS:             Those  funds  through  which  most  governmental  functions  typically
        are financed (General Fund, Debt Service Fund, Capital Projects Fund and Special Revenue Funds).

        GRADALL:  Industrial maintenance machine (tractor/material handler) with a boom arm and 360
        degree rotational movement designed for use over rough terrain.

        GRANTS:  Contributions or gifts of cash or other assets from another government or private company
        to be used or expended for a specific purpose, activity, or facility.

        GROUND STORAGE:  Tanks at ground level that store water so that it can be pumped into the
        system as demand warrants.

        HAZ-MAT:  Hazardous Materials.

        IMPACT FEES:       The mechanism used to recover costs of capital improvements necessary to
        serve future development.  Impact fees cannot be assessed to correct a system deficiency.

        INTERFUND TRANSFERS:  Amounts transferred from one fund to another fund.

        INTOXILYZER:  The Intoxilyzer is a breath test machine used by the Police Department to test
        possibly intoxicated persons who have been arrested for driving while intoxicated.

        LEVY:  To impose taxes, special assessments, or service charges for the support of City activities.

        LINE-ITEM BUDGET:  A budget that lists each expenditure/expense category (salary, supplies,
        travel, repairs, etc.) separately, along with the dollar amount budgeted for each specified category.

        LONG-TERM DEBT:  Debt with a maturity of more than one year after the date of issuance.

        MAINTENANCE:  The upkeep of physical properties in condition for use or occupancy.  Examples
        are the inspection of equipment to detect defects and the making of repairs.

        MAINTENANCE  AND  OPERATIONS  (M&O):                 The  funds  that  are  used  for  the  maintenance
        and operation of a budget.

        MAXIMUM  DAY  DEMAND:             The  water  consumption,  in  volume  of  water,  used  on  the
        highest consumption day in a year.
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