Page 124 - CityofSaginawFY25Budget
P. 124


                                               COMMUNITY SERVICES

            GOAL: To improve the quality of life for citizens of all ages by providing a variety of recreational and leisure activities,
            special events, aquatic and athletic programs, visual and performing arts programs, facilities and services that
            encourage life enrichment, health, fitness and enjoyment.
                City            FY 2023-2024                  FY 2023-2024                  FY 2024-2025
              Strategy         Department Goal           Department Achievement           Department Goal

                        Continue to maintain existing programs  Rebuilding our programs to the attained
                        and increase programming to reach the  levels prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic
                         levels of participation pre-COVID 19.    through increased marketing and
                        Increase revenues through new creative   promotion. Continue operation with
                          and fine tuned existing programs.    reduced programs, reduced staffing
                        Reopen and restart programming at the   levels, reduced space, and reduced   Continue operation with reduced
             Maintain a   senior  center and move operations to   hours of operation. Increase   programs, reduced staffing levels
             sound City   the recreation center.  Improve 9th   participation, programs, and events at   reduced space and reduced hours of
              providing   Annual Images of Saginaw Photo   the Senior Center. The Senior Center is   operation. Increase revenues through
                           Contest with increased awards,
                                                                                     new creative and fine tuned existing
                                                      one of our most popular attractions and
              superior    promotion and revised program.    amenities in this city offering significant   programs. Improve and increase
                       Increase marketing and promotion of the   "Quality of Life" to our Senior Adult   programs, activities and events.
                        City via Facebook, Twitter, press/media  Community. It is mainly funded through
                        release, Digital Display Sign, Saginaw   donations and sponsorships which the
                        FYI, and web site. Insert newly created  Senior Center Director seeks. Restarting
                        Communications Department and staff   our Adult Volleyball League after a 3-
                               into this department.           year absence.
                            Partner with local professional
             Maintain a   photography company to provide   Increased participation in the Concerts in    Partner with a local professional
              financially   additional advice, funding, awards and                    photography company to provide
                                                         the Park, Senior Center and all
             sound City   marketing to increase participation in the   Recreation Center activities, events and   additional advice, funding, awards, and
              providing   Images of Saginaw Photo Contest.    programs through increased promotion   marketing to increase participation to
              superior     Seeking additional sponsorship     and marketing.        restart the Images of Saginaw Photo
              services   opportunities through drink vending                          Contest after a 3-year absence.

                        Increased programming for the Senior   Continuing the process of rebuilding our
                        Center. Increased programming for the   programs to the attained levels prior to
                        Recreation Center. Purchase and install   the COVID-19 Pandemic through
                        a new generator for Recreation Center   increased marketing and promotion.   Continuing the process of rebuilding our
                           (emergency evacuation center).    Continue operation with reduced   programs to the attained levels prior to
              Expand    Increased and improved the Food Truck   programs, reduced staffing levels,   the COVID-19 Pandemic through
             community   Park operations. Create a Food Truck   reduced space and reduced hours of   increased marketing and promotion.
             quality of life   Park Coordinator position to help   operation. Increased and improved the   Continue operation with reduced
             ammenities  alleviate signficant comp-time hours and  Food Truck Park operations. Continues   programs, reduced staffing levels,
                         to manage the operations of this very   to seek alternative finding sources to   reduced space and reduced hours of
                        successful park. Increase programming   help fund the Senior Center and   operation.
                        for Concerts in the Park.  Insert newly   Recreation Center programs.  Increased
                        created Communications Department   and improved the Food Truck Park
                           and staff into this department.      operations.

                                                  LONG TERM OBJECTIVES

            Plan, develop, and successfully manage the Aquatic Center in 2025.
            Develop a Youth & Adult swimming program that includes: swim lessons, water aerobics, outdoor movie night, teen
            nights, special resident-only days, etc.

            Create a Full-time Food Truck Park Coordinator Position to manage the operations of the park.

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