Page 31 - CityofMansfieldFY25Budget
P. 31

The City Council is responsible for the review of the City Manager’s proposed budget, approval of the tax
               rate and approval of the final budget. The City charter requires adoption of the final budget no later than
               September 15 of each fiscal year.

               BUDGET PROCESS

               The budget process is the key to the development of the City of Mansfield’s overall strategic plan and
               affords individual departments the opportunity to reassess goals and objectives, evaluate programs using
               performance measurement data and develop strategies to accomplish them. Even though the budget may be
               reviewed by the City Council in July and August and adopted in September, its preparation begins at least
               eight months prior, with projection of fund balances, revenue and expenditure forecasts, and departmental
               needs assessments. It is with this groundwork that the departmental requests are made and subsequently

               The following summary provides a brief description of the various phases of  the budget process and
               timeframes in which the budget preparation, review and adoption takes place.

               BUDGET PHASES

               Priority Needs Assessment Phase - This is the foundation of assessing what the current and projected
               programmatic and operational needs of each department are as seen by the Citizens of Mansfield, City
               Council, Boards, Commissions, and individual department/division directors. City Staff and City Council
               reviews occur during this phase to identify and prioritize the needs and desires of each group. Community
               feedback is an important component of the budget process in assessing citizen satisfaction with services
               and establishing priorities for the upcoming budget year. City infrastructure needs are identified during this
               process and play an important role in the forecasting related to short and long-term operating needs. City
               Council has identified the need to  maintain  City  streets,  enforce  architectural  standards for new
               development, create more neighborhood and linear parks, encourage more retail, commercial and industrial
               development within the City, and implement and continue the Capital Improvement Program.

               Financial Trend Analysis Phase - an integral part of Mansfield’s decision-making process that includes
               both short and long-range economic and  financial forecasts. During this  phase, strategic  forecasting
               assumptions are made including changes in fund balance projections, revenue, expenditure, compensation
               adjustments and  other  cost  adjustments. Preliminary assumptions result in the  City’s forecasted fiscal
               capacity and provide a balanced financial framework upon which operating (departmental), and capital
               (infrastructure projects) budget targets can be developed.

               Policy/Strategy Development Phase - City Council’s goals and directives set the tone for the development
               of the budget. The Council identifies key policy issues that will provide the direction of the budget. The
               Strategic Planning Committee updates the City’s 10-Year Strategic Plan, identifying critical objectives and
               the strategies to be employed in meeting those objectives. It is within this framework that the department’s
               budget plans are formulated. The City Council identifies needs to establish priorities, identify existing
               service levels, and review financial and economic trends and forecasts. City Council also discusses policy
               direction with the Executive Staff.

               Budget Development Phase  -  Based upon  City  Council’s priorities  and strategic  policy direction,
               departments develop program objectives and work plans for the budget period. The Budget Office submits
               to each department their prior year and year-to-date expenditures for review. Baseline budgets are then
               developed which represent existing  service  levels  and adjustments  for  price changes,  inflation and/or
               compensation adjustments. Departmental staff is asked to evaluate programs and positions. Departmental

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