Page 27 - CityofMansfieldFY25Budget
P. 27
The Capital Improvement Program is developed to match costs against expenses occurring in
corresponding periods of time whenever possible. In other words, the development and timing of
infrastructure improvements is crucial to maintaining current and future developments while maintaining
or lowering debt ratios. Impact fees offset the amount of funding borrowed in the Construction funds.
The impact of infrastructure improvements on operating and maintenance costs is evaluated and measured
annually during the budget development process and during revisions to the Long-Term Financial Plan.
Operating and Maintenance cost impacts in FY 2024-2025 are reflected in increases in supply costs,
staffing increases and in additional service requirements related to expansion of existing facilities, new
facilities, and transmission lines. Further details can be found in the Capital Projects section of the budget
Street Construction Fund
Street and roadway improvements in FY 2024-2025 are budgeted at $43,246,361, which includes
carryover of prior year funding from projects still in progress. Street impact fees will be utilized wherever
possible to supplement funding for these projects.
Utility Construction Fund
Utility improvements in FY 2024-2025 are budgeted at $72,623,753, which includes approximately $48M
previously borrowed for the Water Treatment Plant expansion. New projects in FY 2024-2025 total
$17,719,900. Impact fees and operating cash from prior years will fund other projects. Water & Sewer
impact fees will be utilized wherever possible to supplement funding for these projects.
Building Construction Fund
Facility improvements in FY 2024-2025 totaling $168,721,884 from various funding sources include
completion of the new Police Headquarters, construction of a new Animal Control facility, expansion of
the Chris Burkett Service Center, relocation of Fire Station #1, and the design/construction of new
facilities such as City Hall and a multi-purpose sports venue.
MPFDC Construction Fund
Park projects in FY 2024-2025 are budgeted at $14,900,000 and include existing park and linear trail
improvements as well as land acquisition.
MEDC Construction Fund
There are no projects in the MEDC Construction Fund in FY 2024-2025; however, MEDC is overseeing
several large projects that have been budgeted in one of the other construction funds.
Equipment Replacement Fund
Vehicles, equipment and facility improvements in FY 2024-2025 are budgeted at $5,894,274 of which
$2,819,417 will be transferred from the General Fund. The remainder is prior year funding for previously
approved capital items that have not yet been received or expensed.