Page 138 - CityofKennedaleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 138

Object            Account Name            Funds                        Description
                                                          Stand alone generator maintenance, SCBA air compressor contract, SCBA
                                                          flow/fit & cylinder hydrostrat testing, gas detector calibration, minor equipment
          5420  MACHINERY/TOOL MAINTENANCE           All
                                                          maintenance, physio control contract, EKG maintenance, hydraulic extrication
                                                          tools, ladder testing
                                                          Brakes, tires, supension work, engine repairs, body repairs, chasis, pump,
                                                          water tank, ladders, tires, wheels, batteries, lubrication, electronics, lights,
          5430  MOTOR VEHICLE MAINTENANCE            All
                                                          pump routine maintenance to include fluid changes, inspection, registration, to
                                                          include all City vehicles
                                                          Scanners, printers, copiers, and maintenance of office equipment.  Includes
          5440  OFFICE EQUIP                         All
                                                          machine and copy usage.  NOTE:  Use 5445 for Software
          5441  OTHER ECONOMIC EXPENSE               35   Other expenses related to Cares Act Funding
          5444  COMMUNICATION AND ENFORCEMENT        35   Communication equipment related to Cares Act Funding
          5445  SOFTWARE                             All  Software licenses & maintenance, website domain
          5446  WATER/SEWER PROJECTS                 35   Water/sewer projects related to Cares Act Funding
          5460  RADIO MAINTENANCE                    All  Radio maintenance agreements, repairs, radio batteries
          5480  SIGNS/FENCE/SIDEWALK MAINTENANCE     All  Street signs, sidewalk repairs, fence/deck repair
                                                          Items published in newspaper such as legal notices (Council & Committee
          5501  ADVERTISING                          All  Meetings, Public Hearings), recruiting ads, abandoned property notice, zoning
                                                          Membership dues, renewals (Sam's Club, Cooperatives), notary applications
          5510  ASSOC DUES/PUBLICATICATIONS          All
                                                          and renewals, trade journals, periodicals, books
          5511  VOLUNTEER MEETINGS                   All  Expenses related to volunteer meetings
          5515  TRAINING/SEMINARS-LEOSE              34   Training expense for State Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education
                                                          (LEOSE) as approved by the Chief of Police
          5517  FIREARMS TRAINING                    All  Firearms/Taser training (ammo, range, etc.)
          5518  YAC                                  41   Expense related to Youth Advisory Committee donations
          5519  FIRE                                 41   Expense related to fire donations
          5520  BARK IN PARK                         41   Expense related to Bark in the Park donations
          5522  KEEP KENNEDALE BEAUT                 41   Expense related to Keep Kennedale Beautiful donations
          5523  SECTION HOUSE / CHAMBER BUILDING     41   Expense related to Section House / Chamber building donations
          5524  911 MEMORIAL                         41   Expense related to 911 Memorial donations
          5525  TRAINING/SEMINARS                    All  Training, seminars, conferences, testing, certification fees
          5526  POLICE                               41   Expense related to Police donations
          5527  PUBLIC SAFETY EDUCATION              All  CPR/AED education materials, public safety open house supplies
          5528  COMMUNITY THEATRE                    41   Expense related to Community Theatre donations
          5529  ARTS MARKET                          41   Expense related to Arts Market donations
          5530  ELECTRIC SERVICES                    All  Electricity as provided by GEXA Energy
          5535  GAS SERVICES                         All  Gas as provided by ATMOS Energy
          5540  INSURANCE-AUTO                       All  TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool is the provider.
          5545  INSURANCE-PROPERTY                   All  TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool is the provider.
                                                          TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool is the provider.  Person/Property coverage
          5550  INSURANCE-GENERAL LIABILITY         1 & 10  for public to which the city may cause damage to include errors & ommissions,
                                                          public employee dishonesty, theft and fraud
          5550  STREET IMPROVEMENTS                  13   Street improvements related to 2021 Bond Issue
          5560  INSURANCE-LAW ENFORCEMENT            All  TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool is the provider.  Covers law enforcement
                                                          capabilities regarding crime fidelity, jails, traffic stops, etc.
          5561  RECREATION                           30   Expenses related hotel occupancy tax uses as defined in Texas Tax Code
                                                          Chapter 352
          5562  TOURISM                              30   Expenses related hotel occupancy tax uses as defined in Texas Tax Code
                                                          Chapter 352
          5564  COMMUNITY RELATIONS                  All  Items necessary to build relationships in the community
                                                          City attorney, prosecutor services for monthly court hearings and plea dockets,
          5565  LEGAL SERVICES                       All
                                                          specialized attorney's as needed
                                                          Annual independent audit of financial statements for City and EDC to include a
          5567  AUDIT SERVICES                       All
                                                          single audit for Federal funds
                                                          Net Genius provided, on call fee for IT issues, troubleshooting, monitoring,
          5569  IT SUPPORT                           All
                                                          Record storage and destruction, printing, court reporter for appeal transcripts,
                                                          language services, court interpreter, chaplain services, contracts for services,
                                                          safety deposit box, evidence testing, crime scene evidence processing, One
                                                          Safe Alliance, medical director contractor, fire cable TV/Internet, ambulance
                                                          billing contract, medical waste service, inspection services, plan reviewer
          5570  SPECIAL SERVICES                     All  services, comprehensive plan updates, map updates, title reports, air
                                                          monitoring, gas well safety inspections, storytellers & other library programs,
                                                          Arlington Library partnership, fiber internet, bank charges, credit charge usage
                                                          fees, Arlington UB customer service, water sampling/testing, every 5 years --
                                                          water/sewer/roadway impact fee study (beginning 2016)
                                                          Special events of the city to include Christmas Tree Lighting, competitions,
          5571  SPECIAL EVENTS                       All
                                                          festivals, and clean-ups
                                                          Mowing of properties, match for home program, demolition of substandard
          5572  CODE ENFORCEMENT SERVICES            All
          5573  ELECTION SERVICES                    All  Election expenses, ballot translation

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