Page 137 - CityofKennedaleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 137

Object            Account Name            Funds                        Description
          5108  FLSA OVERTIME                        All  Fire overtime for hours worked over 106 in a two week period
          5109  TEMPORARY/PART-TIME                  All  Wages paid to part time employees for time worked
          5112  ASSIGNMENT PAY                       All  Assignment pay as proviced by City policy
          5113  INCENTIVE PAY                        All  Incentive pay as provided by City policy
                                                          Paid annually to employees with 12+ months of service prior to September 30.
          5114  LONGEVITY PAY                        All
                                                          $8, $10, OR $12 per month based on length of service
                                                          Retirement for employees / Texas Municpal Retirement System is the 3rd Party
          5115  RETIREMENT                           All
                                                          Retirement provider
                                                          Texas Workforce Commission required.  Premium paid on the first $9,000 in
          5116  UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE               All
                                                          wages per employee.
                                                          Required employment taxed based on 6.20% social security and 1.45% FICA
          5117  FICA                                 All
                                                          for a total of 7.65% of employees pay.  Remitted to IRS.
          5118  MEDICAL INSURANCE                    All  Medical insurance employer paid portion of premium
          5119  WORKERS' COMPENSATION                All  TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool is the provider.
          5120  LIFE INSURANCE                       All  Life insurance employer paid at 2X annual salary
          5121  DENTAL INSURANCE                     All  Dental insurance employer paid portion of premium
          5122  VISION INSURANCE                     All  Vision Insurance employer paid portion of premium
                                                          Benefit administrator fees, HRA administration fee, COBRA fee, Employee
          5123  HEALTH ADMIN FEES                    All  Assistance Program (EAP) fee, Telemedicine fee, FSA administration fee
          5125  TUITION REIMBURSEMENT                All  Tuition reimbursement in accordance with City policy
                                                          Shop only solvents & cleaners, annual parts cleaner maintenance, pesticides
          5210  CHEMICAL SUPPLIES                    All
                                                          and other chemicals
                                                          Logoed shirts or uniforms purchased for employees to wear at work, bullet
          5220  UNIFORMS                             All  proof vests, name tags, holsters, badges, hats, jackets, coats, gloves, boots
                                                          Personal protective for fire to include coat, pants, boots, good, gloves, SCBA
          5225  LIFE SAFETY EQUIPMENT                All
                                                          pack, bottles, and mask
                                                          Cleaning supplies, trash bags, mop heads, paper products, dish soap, laundry
          5230  CLEANING SUPPLIES                    All  detergent, apparatus cleaning & polishing supplies, toilet paper, chemicals
                                                          Logoed or printed items such as stationary, business cards, envelopes, post
          5240  PRINTED SUPPLIES                     All  cards, employee handbooks, forms, calendars, maps, signs, and crime
                                                          prevention information
          5241  PUBLIC SAFETY MEASURE                35   Public safety equipment purchases
          5260  GENERAL OFFICE SUPPLIES              All  Ink, tonor, pens, paper, tax forms, binders, dividers
          5261  POSTAGE                              All  Stamps and postage for mailed items
                                                          Small items less than $5k, tasers, pepper guns, TVs, refrigerators,
                                                          extractor/washer/dryer, lockers, desks, office chairs, hydraulic tools, saws,
          5280  MINOR EQUIP/SMALL TOOLS<$5K          All  firefighting tools & equipment (hose, nozzles, hand tools, ropes, salvage equip),
                                                          lawn equipment, weed eater, woorkout equipment, repair of such equipment
                                                          NOTE:  for printers, scanners see 5440
          5285  FUEL                                 All  Purchase of gasoline for City vehicles and equipment
          5288  EMS SUPPLIES                         All  Oxygen, medication, dressings, EMS/IV Supplies, medical equipment batteries
          5289  MEDICAL SUPPLY AND EQUIPMENT         All  Police patrol supplies (gloves, water, EMS, etc.)
                                                          Bank supplies, deposit tickets, check stock, crime scene kits, evidence kits,
          5290  EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES                  All  sympathy flowers, greeting cards, batteries, fire station suppliers (paper goods),
                                                          library summer reading & other program supplies
          5291  GRANT FUNDED SUPPLIES                35   Specific items identified in a grant
          5292  MEDICAL SUPPLIES                     35   Items required for ambulances to provide medical care
          5292  LIBRARY PROCESSING SUPPLIES           1   Library inventory & replenishment supplies
          5294  LIBRARY BOOK-CITY FUND               All  Library books, periodicals, DVDs, and databases
          5297  FIRE OPERATIONS EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES  All  Foam, hydrant reflectors-rings, hazmat, tarps, shop supplies
          5298  VICTUALS BEVERAGES & GROCERY         All  Coffee bar, water, meeting refreshments, and food items
                                                          Janitorial and cleaning services, floor & carpet cleaning, flags, building security,
                                                          fire inspections, pest control, keys, cleaning supplies, heating/AC service,
          5403  BUILDING MAINTENANCE                 All
                                                          building improvements, plumbing, electrical, lights, generator, paint, landscape
                                                          materials, repairs
                                                          Park maintenance supplies to include fountain repairs, signs, light sockets,
          5404  PARK MAINTENANCE                     All
                                                          cleaning supplies, chemicals, fertilizer, grass seed
                                                          Mowing contract, chemicals, fertilizer, grass seed, repair and maintenance
          5405  TOWN CENTER PLAZA                    All
                                                          Cleaning supplies, chemicals, fertilizer, grass seed, park WIFI, repair and
          5406  SONORA PARK                          All
                                                          Concrete and asphalt street maintenance and repair, striping, pot holes, traffic
          5407  STREET MAINTENANCE                   All
                                                          buttons, etc.
                                                          Cleaning supplies, chemicals, fertilizer, grass seed, park WIFI, repair and
          5408  OTHER PARKS/MISC.                    All
          5409  IRRIGATION MAINTENANCE               All  Irrigation repair and maintenance, sprinkler heads and lines

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