Page 110 - CityofKennedaleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 110


               Revenue for the Local Youth Diversion Fund (18) comes from a $5 fee assessed to defendants
               convicted of a “fine only misdemeanor offense” as a cost of court. Expenditures may only
               finance the salary and benefits of a juvenile case manager that is employed by the Municipal
               Court of the City of Kennedale. At present, funds resulting from the $5 fee are placed into the
               General Fund (01) as a reimbursement for the wages and benefits of the City’s Juvenile Case
                                           FUND 18 LOCAL YOUTH DIVERSION FUND
               Account               Description           FY23 Actual  FY24 Budget  FY24 Projected   FY25 Budget
            18-4250-00-00  JUVENILE CASE MANAGEMENT FEE             257          300            250             300
            18-4401-00-00  INVESTMENT INCOME                        302          190            383             385
            TOTAL REVENUES                                $                  560  $                  490  $    633  $    685

               Account               Description           FY23 Actual  FY24 Budget  FY24 Projected   FY25 Budget
            18-5570-00-00  SPECIAL SERVICES                          -         7,000            -               -
            TOTAL EXPENDITURES                            $                  -  $               7,000  $   -  $  -

            NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE                    $                 560  $             (6,510) $    633  $    685

            BEGINNING FUND BALANCE — OCT 1                $              8,623  $               9,183  $                   9,183  $   9,816
            ENDING FUND BALANCE — SEPT 30                 $              9,183  $               2,673  $                   9,816  $                   10,501

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