Page 109 - CityofKennedaleFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 109


               Revenue for the Court Technology Fund (16) comes from a $4 fee assessed to defendants
               convicted of misdemeanors as a cost of court. Expenditures may only be used for technological
               enhancements for the Municipal Court, including computer systems, computer networks,
               computer hardware, computer software, imaging systems, electronic kiosks, electronic ticket
               writers, or docket management systems.

                                                FUND 16 COURT TECHNOLOGY
               Account               Description           FY23 Actual  FY24 Budget  FY24 Projected   FY25 Budget
            16-4251-00-00  TECHNOLOGY FEES                        4,513        3,600           6,468           6,500
            16-4401-00-00  INVESTMENT INCOME                        672          450            635             640
            TOTAL REVENUES                                $               5,185  $               4,050  $                   7,103  $   7,140

               Account               Description           FY23 Actual  FY24 Budget  FY24 Projected   FY25 Budget
            16-5440-00-00  OFFICE EQUIP                              -        10,000           2,000          10,000
            16-5280-00-00  MINOR EQUIP/SMALL TOOLS >5K              347                           -
            16-5445-00-00  SOFTWARE                               8,481                         700
            TOTAL EXPENDITURES                            $              8,828  $              10,000  $                   2,700  $                   10,000

            NET CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE                    $             (3,643) $             (5,950) $                   4,403  $    (2,860)

            BEGINNING FUND BALANCE — OCT 1                $            17,769  $            14,126  $                  14,126  $                   18,529
            ENDING FUND BALANCE — SEPT 30                 $            14,126  $              8,176  $                  18,529  $                   15,669

                                                   CITYOFKENNEDALE.COM/BUDGET                              109
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