Page 23 - Proposed budget cover and insert sheets
P. 23


                                           FY 2024-2025 PROPOSED BUDGET
                                                   LOSS RESERVE FUND
                                             REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES

            The Loss Reserve Fund is an internal service fund used to record financial information for some of the City's
            benefits programs. The largest expenses are medical and dental claims for full-time City employees, eligible
            retirees, and their dependents. The Loss Reserve Fund receives operating fund revenues from City
            departments, employee contributions, and retiree contributions. The contributions are based on cost-
            sharing methods and employee and retiree elections. Reserves have accumulated in the fund since the
            inception of the program due to claims history, and it is the City's goal to maintain that reserve.

              ESTIMATED BEGINNING FUND BALANCE OCTOBER 1, 2024                                      $5,620,414


                      Group Insurance                                             $       6,434,669
                      Interest Earnings                                                       224,817
                      Retiree Trust Contributions                                             500,000
                      YE Transfer                                                             276,000
                      Employee and Retiree Participation                                   1,197,582
              TOTAL REVENUES                                                                         $8,633,068

              TOTAL FUNDS AVAILABLE                                                                 $14,253,482


                      Fixed Costs                                                 $          135,020
                      Estimated Claims (Health/RX/Dental)                                  6,897,065
                      Stop Loss Premium                                                    1,618,840
                      Benefits Consultant                                                       30,000
                      Other Employee Programs                                                 389,958
                      Credits & Rebates                                                      (660,000)
                      Employee Wellness Program                                                 35,000
                      Plan Design Change                                                       (30,000)
                      Health Care Reform Fees                                                     2,082
                      System Administration Fees                                              215,103

              TOTAL EXPENDITURES                                                                     $8,633,068

              FUND BALANCE AS OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2025                                                  $5,620,414
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