Page 19 - Proposed budget cover and insert sheets
P. 19

                                              FY 2024 - 2025 PROPOSED BUDGET
                                             INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FUND
                                           REVENUES AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY

           The Information Technology Fund is an internal service fund that has been created to account for the financing on a cost
           reimbursement basis of services provided by this fund to other funds within the City and to accumulate resources for replacing fixed
           assets.  In order to implement the fund, a formula for user charges was developed that includes the personnel and operating costs of
           Information Technology and the replacement cost of all computer related equipment.  Contributions from selected funds for
           operating capital to finance the fund were determined based on the service level provided to each department and depreciation costs
           charged to each department to ensure replacement of equipment at the end of its useful life.  A Strategic Information Resource Plan
           serves as a guideline for future uses of the fund.  The fund was established in 1993 and represents a significant effort to employ
           strategic planning principles to identify, specify and fund the future city-wide needs regarding computer technology.
                                                                                                       FY 2025
                    LINE ITEM DESCRIPTION        FY 2021    FY 2022    FY 2023   FY 2024    FY 2024   PROPOSED
                                                 ACTUALS    ACTUALS   ACTUALS    BUDGET    ESTIMATES   BUDGET
           INTEREST                                        12,017            22,508          110,871          148,906          175,000          175,000
           RESERVE XFER FROM OTHER FUNDS                          -                    -             21,287                   -                    -           250,000
           OTHER REVENUE                                     2,930              2,795              1,541              2,500              2,800              2,500
           I/S USER CONTRIBUTIONS - GENER                698,345          730,500          785,290          829,255          829,255          918,150
           I/S USER CONTRIBUTIONS - FLEET                  28,917            28,917            31,085            34,194            34,194            38,000
           I/S USER CONTRIBUTIONS - ENTER                302,361          311,500          334,862          366,198          366,198          405,450
           I/S USER CONTRIBUTIONS - COMM                 393,995          413,956          445,002          489,502          489,502          542,500
           I/S USER CONTRIBUTIONS - ANTI                 494,378          518,500          557,388          613,217          613,217          678,500
           I/S USER CONTRIBUTIONS - HCC                           -             20,000            21,400            23,650            23,650            23,650
           I/S USER CONTRIBUTIONS - COURT                  15,812            15,812            16,998            16,998            16,998            17,000
           I/S USER CONTRIBUTIONS - STORM                  25,766            25,766            27,698            30,468            30,468            30,500
           I/S USER CONTRIBUTIONS - BUILD                    1,256              1,256              1,350              1,350              1,350              1,350
           USER CONTRIBUTIONS - JCM                          3,839              3,839              4,127              4,127              4,127              4,125
           TOTAL REVENUES                            1,979,616      2,095,349      2,358,899      2,560,365      2,586,759      3,086,725

           PERSONNEL EXPENSES                            559,490          606,953          618,027          623,505          621,244          675,702
           MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES                         139,678            74,294          169,763          195,130          193,200          206,975
           MAINTENANCE                                   613,199          750,083          853,212      1,295,555      1,054,029      1,413,461
           SUNDRY CHARGES                                365,239          567,480          609,931          838,461          599,703          774,810
           CAPTIAL OUTLAY                                         -                    -           307,014            15,000          175,000                   -

           TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES                  1,677,606      1,998,810      2,557,947      2,967,651      2,643,176      3,070,948
           LESS DEPRECIATION                             109,289          236,576          303,426          247,256          247,256          317,392

           TOTAL NET EXPENSES                        1,568,317      1,762,234      2,254,521      2,720,395      2,395,920      2,753,556
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