Page 42 - CityofGrapevineFY25AdoptedBudget
P. 42

Short-term initiatives for the upcoming year

               The FY25 budget reflects the City’s response to changes in the environment in which it operates and
               of the key initiatives that guided its development.  These initiatives reflect the choices for the fiscal
               year and are consistent with the City’s long-term policies.

               Continue to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery
               The program  provides  customer service and leadership development training to employees
               throughout the organization.  All employees  are required to  attend a  Business Culture Guiding
               Values training session in which participants are introduced to the Grapevine method of (1) How
               We Treat People; (2) How We Lead Our Employees; (3)
               How We Manage Our  Resources; (4) How We Make
               Decisions; and (5) How We Confront Challenges.

               The program was suspended in FY20 and again in FY21
               due to COVID-19. Upon its resumption in FY22, a major
               program enhancement was to change to Even Years
               Continuing Education / Odd Years New Class. This
               allows us to provide continuing leadership education to
               people who have already completed NGL – the alumni. The first year of continuing education for
               NGL alumni resumed in 2024. Previous classes have implemented capstone projects designed to
               increase efficiency and effectiveness throughout the organization.

               Continue to explore new ways to combat spiraling health care costs
               The FY25 budget continues funding for programs geared toward reducing health care cost by
               developing proactive approaches for assessment and prevention. Programs include Virgin Pulse
               challenges, Naturally Slim, Weight Watchers at Work, and financial incentives for smoking
               cessation. Also included is the popular Lunch and Learn series, which covers a wide variety of
               topics to promote health and wellness.

               Continue to use excess reserves to invest in “Quality of Life” capital projects
               The City Council has adopted the policy of maintaining a 20% fund balance in the General Fund.
               All reserves in excess of the 20% threshold are to be transferred to the Quality of Life CIP fund
               at fiscal year-end. Due to the pandemic, the transfer was suspended in FY20 and FY21.
               However, as sales and use taxes began to rebound, $1 million was transferred to the QOL fund at
               the end of FY23 and $909,010 million is estimated to be transferred at the end of FY24.  In
               FY25, $1,000,000 is budgeted to be transferred to the QOL fund.

               Continue to enhance tourism by promoting Grapevine as a “destination”
               With the establishment of the CVB Incentives fund in 2015, the monies collected by the 1% addition
               to the hotel/motel occupancy tax are segregated from other CVB funds and restricted for use to attract
               new  group business  and  new  hotel  room  development  as  a  part  of  our  Economic  Development
               efforts.  This  fund  is  expected  to  generate $6.2  million  in  FY24 and  is  projected  to  generate  $5.4
               million in FY25.

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